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Louis Vuitton M69442 Petit Sac Plat torbe vrhunske kvalitete (ažurirano 2022.)
This Louis Vuitton Petit Sac Plat was a hit and loved by everyone as soon as it was launched. Offline stores sold out immediately and the wait was expected to be 3 months. This high quality replica bag is made of Monogram canvas, which is very soft to the touch and feels very comfortable. The body of the bag is printed with the letters “LV”, which is very recognizable to the brand. The handles and detachable shoulder straps are made of cowhide, a material that is very wear-resistant and can improve the life of the bag. The size of this bag is not large, but the capacity is very good, the daily needs of the items can be loaded, is a bag worth buying.
Kliknite ovdje za kupnju najkvalitetnijih replika Louis Vuitton torbi
Kupnja replika torbi sada:
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