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Top 8 of the most worthwhile replica bags (2022 Latest)

2021 is almost at the end. Originally thought that in the case of this year, the new bag may not be so much. I did not know that all the major brands have launched new bags.

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The new fall and winter bags of all the major brands are on the market, and each one of them is quite wonderful, I have planted several models myself! Not only are there completely new bags, but also some of the brand’s evergreen models have a surprising new design this season.

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What exactly are they? This article, I’ve summarized the wonderful ones for you all!

1 The best replica bags: Dior Lady

Velvet is a very important element for Dior this fall and winter. Almost all the classic and new classic bags, in this season are “velvetized”.

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Lady Dior, Saddle, Book Tote this fall and winter are out of the velvet models

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As a commonly used material in autumn and winter, velvet does give a warm, solid feeling from the visual to the tactile sense, which is perfect for this season.

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At the same time, it also looks especially high class! Combined with Dior’s classic vine check, Oblique pattern, there is a kind of luxury, artistic atmosphere. Especially the Oblique model, I feel that the velvet design makes the Oblique pattern more three-dimensional!

2 The best replica bags: Dior Tote

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Dior velvet bags this season, the color of the model also has a special sense of autumn and winter. Navy blue, wine red, dark green and the new Oblique golden brown, are both textured and temperamental!

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I especially like the navy blue Lady D-Lite, which is particularly beautiful in kind! The blue velvet luster is superb, with Dior’s classic vine check design, making this bag look particularly noble and at the same time with a sense of mystery.

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3 The best replica bags: Dior Saddle

The fur bag is also a special winter bag! When Dior’s new bag came out this fall/winter, I immediately fell in love with this bulbous, chubby Saddle!

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I call it a teddy bear saddlebag because it’s really cute! The overall material is shearling, camel-colored bag body with white fur trim, like a small bear, looks adorable.

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Wang Zixuan

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In addition to the high value, it is also a rare bag body is very soft saddlebag, so it is better to load things. The key is that it is also full of fur inside, when pulling out things do not feel too good! Autumn and winter with it will feel very warm.

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Some girls may feel that a woolly bag like this is too seasonal and will not be quite worth the investment. In fact, instead of this special bag, take out everyone feel really great! Even if you take it out again after a few years, it will not go out of fashion, but rather make people feel that when they can buy this, it must be a super fashionable noblewoman!

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4 The best replica bags: Burberry Olympia

Burberry this fall and winter launched a new bag – Olympia. when the runway out I already liked, I did not expect to see more and more love now!

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Its appearance is now very popular half-moon shape, the overall design is very simple, but not thin. The sharp lines are full of geometric sense, making the whole bag particularly classic and durable, and it looks great texture!

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Olympia also has a very clever design – its shoulder strap can be adjusted to two lengths. It can be used as the most fashionable underarm bag, or the shoulder strap can be extended to become a crossbody bag! The difference between the two styles is actually quite big, and it’s totally the feeling of having two bags at once.

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Olympia also has a lot of choices in terms of colors. Literary girls can choose the new juniper green. This green with a bit of yellow looks a bit cool and literary tone, very much in line with the feeling of autumn.

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This orange and brown color blocking is also very good! The warm tone of the earth color patchwork up, looks very gentle, also not picky at all. Autumn and winter with a trench coat is very British elegance, is the most in line with the current Burberry temperament of a person!

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In addition, Olympia appearance is actually quite unisex, so it makes sense for boys to carry. Especially suitable for such crossbody, the upper body and a small messenger bag feeling!

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Song Weilong

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5 The best replica bags: Fendi Pack

Fendi has recently launched the new Fendi Pack collection, which has been introduced to you before! As the name implies, the design is inspired by Fendi’s packing boxes and shopping bags.

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The small yellow box, small bag, plus the simple Fendi logo, every single piece looks super eye-catching. The upper body is fashionable and street, immediately reminded me of the Fendi little monster of that young and fun model!

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This series of bags, not the usual “everyday practical models” that we would buy, but put in the bag cabinet look very powerful, very happy kind of “collection” bags!

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So if you already have some bags, but still want a special one, the Fendi Pack collection is a great choice!

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However, although it looks awesome, the Fendi Pack series are superbly priced! For example, the following vertical version of the small box, as long as $1600 + can be done! This is Fendi ah! The design is also so special, it is really an unexpected price.

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Xu Weizhou, Qi Wei, Zhang Xincheng

In fact, this one is also one of my most recommended Fendi Pack series. The vertical version of the small box is more flattering to the body shape, the upper body can be cool, but also “play cute”. The key is that although it looks small, it actually has a superb capacity! Large cell phones plus other essential small items, can be put down.

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Yang Mi

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In addition, the yellow small shopping bag is also one of my own more like. The vertical tote design is more casual street, and there is a sense of unintentional handsomeness for boys to carry!

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Zeng Shunxi

It is worth mentioning that Fendi Pack series also launched the same women’s bag, but the color has become a more feminine light pink.

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It may not look as bright and street as the yellow model, but there is a gentle, girlish feeling of romance!

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6 The best replica bags: Prada Cleo

Prada nylon bag these two years is really good fire! From the Vintage Hobo, until later Prada and launched a replica model, it can be said to have brought up the whole fashion world of retro underarm bag trend. Even Prada the brand, are more and more people have desire!

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However, many people buy bags, may still not be able to accept nylon material. It just so happens that Prada has launched a new leather underarm bag this season – Cleo!

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Cleo is actually a replica of the previous design from Prada. The oily leather + simple bag type, without losing the retro elegance, high sense of sophistication.

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However, although the overall texture is very vintage, but I found that Cleo look more and a kind of modern sense of the ultra-previous! The body of the bag is simple and sharp, with very dry lines, and only a Prada logo of the same color on the top for embellishment.

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Liu Wen

The key is that the bottom of the bag has a super special asymmetric design! The use of stiff leather to the body of the bag to make a small front after a large Structure, the bag immediately became three-dimensional, as if a bag in a distorted space-time, really cool!

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This asymmetrical design also makes the Cleo look more compact than its true size. The capacity is large enough, but the fit is very refined and flattering, really a particularly pleasing bag in every way!

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The bag is currently available in several different colors, including classic black and white, and pink and green in the Morandi color scheme.

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In addition to this, there is a super cool silver color! The smooth body of the bag has a kind of mirrored look, it’s really too eye-catching!

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7 The best replica bags: Gucci Donald Duck Collection

Every time Gucci’s co-branded style always brings up a wave of conversation, I have to say they are so good at capturing everyone’s heart! Like the previous Disney Mickey co-branded model is particularly hot! The moment you see it, you have the urge to buy it.

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GG Supreme canvas bags are printed with duck patterns, each one super cute and full of childish fun!

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This series I think the large size of the tote bag is very buyable! Commuting, travel can be used, and also attached a long shoulder strap, both handheld and shoulder, also very suitable for boys!

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8 The best replica bags: Chanel

Chanel this fall and winter single product vintage style is very strong, many bags are very Vintage Chanel feeling. Like this coin bag, it is a long time ago used Chanel many years ago the carved chain design!

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Zhou Xun

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The updated version of the carved chain with the classic diamond pattern flap bag, the overall is still very versatile look. But the chain made a section of double chain design, the top also added a gold coin! One side is the classic double C logo, and the other side is Ms. Coco’s head, which makes the whole bag look so much more special!

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Another Chanel Shopping Bag is also very vintage, a bit of the shadow of the early Chanel Westminster series.

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The most attractive thing is its double chain design with pearls and leather interlaced through the chain, which comes with Chanel’s elegant French chic. With a simple black tweed jacket can create a very natural modern look!

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Yang Mi

And this bag is usually a very practical Tote design, you can also fold up when needed as a handbag, both good and good shape, I also recommend it!

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Well, the new fall and winter bags will be shared with you here first! So many big new bags, which one do you like the most? Is there any one you have already purchased?