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How good quality is a Shebag replica Neverfull BB bag? (2023 Week 50)
Shebag has successfully replicated the latest BB version of the Neverfull. In this set of images and videos, we’ve used an ultra-micro lens to observe details that are not visible to the naked eye.
These details are what professional product authentication organizations look for, and we hold ourselves to these standards because we understand that our customers pay close attention to such intricacies.
The gold foil stamping inside the coin pouch must be clear, free from omissions, and without any adhesions. While the backside of the monogram material may not be perfectly smooth, our craftsmanship matches that of authentic bags.
Next, let’s talk about the stitching. Our stitching is exceptionally well-done, with reinforced double stitching that matches authentic bags perfectly.
Our edge painting is impeccable, full, and in line with authentic craftsmanship.
Our shoulder straps are thick, providing a substantial feel, and their weight is identical to that of authentic bags.
We use high-hardness tungsten steel hardware that appears to have an extremely high level of hardness, making it resistant to wear and rust.
Shebag online shopping discount code:202310