- 16
- Nov
How Good quality is a Shebag Chanel Coco Handle bag? (2023 Week 47)
Our Chanel Coco Handle bags are consistently in stock due to high demand, as the Coco Handle is a classic design.
What leather does Shebag use? It must be the caviar leather from the French Haas Tannery, and indeed, Haas is a long-term supplier for Chanel. The quality of our leather must be entirely consistent with the original. As a result, Shebag’s Chanel replicas often appear in the second-hand market, and we cannot prevent our bags from showing up there. This presence in the secondary market makes purchasing second-hand Chanel bags risky, as buyers may pay excessively high prices. The price of a brand new Shebag Chanel replica is around 400 USD, and we believe consumers should not pay an excessive premium for the Chanel brand.
We must ensure the quality of the leather. Then comes the hardware, the design, and the dimensions. We usually buy genuine Chanel bags for development purposes, purchasing several each year, especially when there are updates to the chips in the authentic bags or changes and upgrades in the designs.
The cost of purchasing genuine bags every year is high! However, all this is to ensure a 100% replication of the original bags in terms of craftsmanship and quality. We believe it’s worth it, and our customers also think it’s essential for us to do so!
Shebag online shopping discount code:202310