Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

The cost of hardware materials accounts for one-third of the total cost of a Louis Vuitton bag. That’s why the hardware of replica bags is so important! In the first three months of 2024, Shebag has completed a comprehensive upgrade of the hardware on Louis Vuitton bags! The hardware on Shebag bags will not fade or rust (of course, it’s necessary to prevent them from getting wet in acidic rain).

Today, Shebag has taken some photos of the hardware on low-end replica bags, which are the hardware on replicas that can be bought on DH Gate and Alibaba, showing the rusting condition after a few months. The hardware on low-end replicas uses inferior steel, has blurred engravings, uneven polishing, and the gold plating is hardly smooth, generally rusting around 3 months, which is not recommended for purchase. These are counterfeit bags, not replicas.

Shebag takes the high-quality route, and we have been optimizing our quality, which, of course, has been accompanied by the issue of rising costs. We have had to raise our prices, but the increase is very limited, around 50 dollars.

If you care about quality, please continue to look at the pictures in this article. This is the hardware of a low-end Louis Vuitton replica bag placed in an indoor environment for 4 months, and the surface has already begun to rust. Therefore, in 2024, Shebag has once again upgraded the hardware on LV bags to ensure that they will not rust with normal use within 3-5 years, achieving the same level as genuine bags.

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

This is Shebag LV hardware:

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

Low rep bag hardware rust fast, Shebag Louis Vuitton hardware upgraded! (2024 Week 12)-بهترين معيار جي جعلي لوئس ويٽون بيگ آن لائين اسٽور، ريپليڪا ڊيزائنر بيگ ru

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