Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

What is a Birkin bag?

The Birkin bag is a classic handbag introduced in 1986 by the French luxury brand Hermès. Its design originated from an accidental meeting between Hermès’ fifth CEO, Jean-Louis Dumas, and French actress Jane Birkin during a flight. You can find Birkin bags priced between $12,000 and $200,000.

Each Birkin bag is handcrafted by skilled artisans (sometimes even a group of artisans), then polished, painted, and finished, taking up to 48 hours to complete. Due to the very complex and time-consuming process, Birkin bags are extremely difficult to obtain.

In the luxury market, Birkin bags are seen as a symbol of wealth and taste, primarily because they are produced in limited quantities and can be customized. They are ideal for collection and maintain their value well, making them highly sought after in the resale market.

Because of their rarity and high demand, Birkin bags have become a prime target for fashion enthusiasts. However, due to their high price and long waiting time, many people give up on acquiring one. This also explains the thriving industry of Hermès replica bags.

Why choose a Birkin bag replica?

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Due to the high price and difficulty of obtaining an authentic Birkin bag, many fashion enthusiasts opt for high-quality replicas. Here are some main reasons people choose Birkin replicas:

Price Advantage

1. Affordable Prices: Authentic Birkin bags range from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars, but high-quality replicas are much cheaper, usually only a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. This allows more people to enjoy the style and charm of a Birkin bag.

2. Value for Money: While owning something nice is great, price doesn’t always reflect actual value. Did you know? The best Birkin replicas look and feel almost identical to the real ones but come at a much lower price, offering great value for money.


1. Worry-Free Use: Because replicas are not as expensive, you don’t have to worry about them getting worn out, damaged, or lost during daily use. (Personally, I completely agree. If my authentic Birkin bag got scratched or something spilled inside, I’d be really upset.)

2. Variety of Choices: The replica market offers a wide range of colors, materials, and sizes, so you can find an option suitable for any occasion or style.

Immediate Availability

1. No Waiting: Purchasing an authentic Birkin bag usually means waiting a long time and even building a purchase history to get a chance to buy one. But with replicas, you can buy anytime without waiting.

2. In-Stock and Pre-Order Options: Some high-quality Birkin replicas are available in stock for immediate purchase. If not in stock, the wait is typically only about a month.

3. Easy to Purchase: You can buy high-quality replica Birkin bags through Shebag, and we’ll deliver your order right to your doorstep.

Buying a high-quality Birkin replica means you can get the look and feel of the real bag without spending a fortune or waiting a long time. However, remember that not all replicas are created equal. Knowing the difference between handmade and machine-made items can really help you pick the best quality replica.

Three Methods of Making Hermès Replica Bags

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Hermès replica bags can be classified into three types based on the manufacturing method: machine-made, semi-handmade, and fully handmade.


These counterfeit bags are mass-produced using machines, which allows for fast production and low costs. They use very basic materials, and the details are not very refined. If your budget is limited, it might be better to purchase a Chanel or LV bag instead. Hermès bags are quite luxurious, and machine-made ones can easily be identified as fakes.


Semi-handmade bags combine the advantages of machine production and hand stitching. Artisans handcraft complex parts like handles and flaps, while machines handle less visible parts like the lining. This method retains some intricate craftsmanship while speeding up production.

Fully Handmade:

Fully handmade Hermès replica bags are crafted by skilled artisans who pay attention to every small detail. As a result, from the quality of the leather to the overall appearance, they look almost identical to the authentic ones. They take more time to produce and are more expensive, but if you are pursuing top-notch quality and don’t mind spending a bit more, they are worth it.

So, which level do Shebag’s Hermès replicas belong to? Shebag is accustomed to making the highest-grade replica bags. Our workers and supply chain are top-notch. All Shebag Hermès bags are fully handmade. We believe that semi-handmade bags are not perfect enough. In our pursuit of perfection, all our Hermès bags are entirely handmade.

Understanding Hand Stitching: Saddle Stitching

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Hermès employs a traditional method called saddle stitching, originally used for making saddles. It requires months of training and special tools to ensure all stitches are uniform and tight. Hand stitching, especially saddle stitching, is not just a fancy choice or personal preference. It is a very strong method of stitching, invented over a century ago by skilled artisans.

This technique uses one thread and two needles. The thread passes from the top (front) through the material to the bottom (back), tying a knot at each point. This makes the stitching extremely strong. Machine stitching is faster and cheaper but not as labor-intensive as hand stitching. It uses two separate threads, one on top and one on the bottom, passing through the material in the middle. The color of the stitching threads may even differ. If a machine stitch wears out or the thread breaks, the entire stitching line may loosen, whereas saddle stitches are more robust.

What’s the Difference Between Hand Stitching and Machine Stitching?

Stitch Uniformity

– Hand Stitching: Due to the manual process, even if the artisan tries to keep uniformity, there may still be slight variations in the spacing and length of the stitches. These subtle irregularities are characteristic of handmade items.

– Machine Stitching: Machine stitches are very uniform, with each stitch having exactly the same spacing and size, without any variation.

Tightness of Stitches

– Hand Stitching: Hand-stitched seams are usually tighter, and the connection between stitches is stronger because the artisan can adjust the tension and tightness of each stitch as needed.

– Machine Stitching: The tension of machine stitches is relatively fixed. Although still strong, they lack the adjustable flexibility of hand stitches.

Starting and Ending Stitches

– Hand Stitching: When hand stitching, the starting and ending stitches are usually more discreet. Artisans pay extra attention to these details to ensure the stitches are both aesthetically pleasing and secure.

– Machine Stitching: When using a machine, the starting and ending points may have visible threads, and these ends are not as neat as those in hand stitching.

Angle of Stitches

– Hand Stitching: Due to Hermès’ use of saddle stitching, the stitches are slightly angled.

– Machine Stitching: Machine stitching typically involves straight lines, so the stitches are more even and straight.

Type of Thread Used

– Hand Stitching: Uses high-end waxed thread, such as Fil au Chinois. If you look closely, you’ll notice a slightly fuzzy appearance.

– Machine Stitching: Uses cotton or nylon thread, which looks smoother and a bit shiny.


How to Choose the Size of a Hermès Bag?

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20 cm Hermès Birkin Replica

This size is typically used for the Birkin Faubourg.

It is perfect for holding small items such as a phone, lipstick, and keys.

Ideal as an evening bag or a light bag for everyday use.

25 cm Birkin Replica

This size is currently very popular.

It is great for carrying a few essentials and is very easy to carry.

Although it can’t hold many items, it is perfect if you only want to carry the basics without lugging around a heavy bag.

30 cm Birkin Replica

This size is considered the perfect “everyday bag.”

It is very suitable but still cute enough to be worn during the day and even at night, which is why it is loved by many.

35 cm Hermès Birkin Replica

This is the classic Birkin size, perfect for carrying more items when needed.

It has enough space for your work essentials, cosmetics, phone, and more.

Ideal for travel and daily work use. (The B35 is also a great mommy bag, meeting your baby’s needs.)

40 cm Birkin Replica

This size is between a handbag and a luggage bag.

It is perfect for travel or when you need to carry a lot of items.

If you are a long-distance traveler or need to carry many things, it is very suitable.

Haut À Courroies (HAC) and 50 cm Birkin Replica

The HAC is the predecessor of the Birkin, specifically designed to better accommodate items that need to be placed vertically.

The 50 cm Birkin is primarily used as a luggage bag, perfect for travelers who need extra space.

I think the Birkin 25 is an excellent day-to-night transitional bag, while the Birkin 30 is more like a daily bag.


How to Spot fake Hermes bag?

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

How Long is the Waiting List for an authentic Birkin Bag?

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In fact, the waiting list at Hermès boutiques has become a “thing of the past.” Many years ago, when there was a waiting list, things were easier, but now it has become quite complicated. You need to “pre-pay” or maintain a good relationship with the Sales Associate (SA) or the store to get a Birkin. Additionally, to obtain a Birkin bag, you not only need to spend a lot of money but also have a lot of patience, as the waiting time is unpredictable.

The waiting time for a Birkin bag can vary based on several factors:

– Purchase History: If you have made many purchases at Hermès, especially across different departments, you may receive your bag more quickly.

– Store Location: Stores in major cities usually have longer waiting times. Smaller or less busy stores may be faster.

– Customization Requirements: If you want a customized Birkin or Kelly bag with specific leather, color, or hardware, you may need to wait several months.

– Seasonal Demand: During busy shopping seasons or major fashion events, the waiting time may be longer.

Typical Waiting Times

– Standard Orders: Expect to wait from a few months to several years, sometimes up to five years, especially if you are a new customer.

– Customized Orders: Usually takes a year or longer to complete.

Ways to Speed Up the Process

– Building a Relationship with the SA: Ideally, your relationship with the SA is more important than your purchase/spending history. Find an SA with whom you feel you can communicate face-to-face. Typically, if the SA likes you, he/she will automatically inquire about your wish list after the first meeting.

– Popular Sizes and Colors: Birkin/Kelly/Constance sizes and neutral colors (especially black) are very popular. Depending on the competition at the Hermès store, you may need to wait up to 2 years to get one. Currently, due to the limited market this year, prioritizing spending around $20,000+ is advisable.

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

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Shebag Hermes Mini Evelyne 16 bag shipping photos

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

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Lindy 26

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Lindy 19

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Birkin 30

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Birkin 25

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Mini Kelly 2

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Kelly 25

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Picotin 22

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Picotin 18

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Evelyn 16

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Shebag Long review: full handmade Hermes Kelly bag shipping photos and more(2024 July Updated)-En İyi Kalite Sahte Louis Vuitton Çanta Online Mağazası, Çoğaltma tasarımcı çanta ru

Constance 19

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Garden Party 30

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Hermes Leather and workshop at a glance

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