How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

This is a Chanel 22 mini bag that retails for $6,000 and is hard to buy in boutiques, so we replicated her. We believe that fashion belongs to all women who love fashion, not just rich women.

This article introduces how to replica a Chanel 22 mini bag. First, we bought 2 authentic Chanel 22 mini bags from a Chinese boutique, one with gold hardware and one with silver hardware. One bag was used to disassemble and replicate its production process, and the other was used as a reference for comparison (size: 20cm x 19cm x 9cm) to confirm a 1:1 replica before we allowed it to leave the factory.

First of all, we purchased glossy calfskin from Europe from Chanel’s official channel, and it is the first layer of calfskin, the texture is soft, soft, genuine leather, and the pores are clearly visible.

Chanel 22 mini handbag hardware material is made of old antique brass metal, polishing must be very delicate.

The most difficult part is the chain, which must be woven by hand, time-consuming and labor-intensive, purely handmade, a needle and thread through, and then woven into the chain.

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How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

Shebag workshop at a glance

Shebag Chanel bags

Shebag Louis Vuitton bags

Shebag Hermes bags

Here are some pictures of the reproduction process:

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru

How to replica best quality real leather Chanel 22 bag mini?(Shebag 2023 Week 42)-最好的質量假路易威登包網上商店,複製設計師包 ru