- 01
- Apr
Louis Vuitton PADLOCK ON STRAP M80682 top quality replica bag (2022 updated)
This Louis Vuitton PADLOCK ON STRAP is designed with Epi embossed grained cowhide leather, which is very smooth to the touch and feels very good to the touch. This high quality replica bag has a magnetic closure that makes it very easy to pick up things. The padlock on the front of the bag is engraved with the letters “LV”, which is very recognizable to the brand. The bag comes with two detachable shoulder straps, a leather shoulder strap and a chain shoulder strap. It can be worn hand, shoulder or crossbody, and is very fashionable in any way.
Iwọn: 19x11x3cm
Tẹ ibi lati ra awọn baagi Louis Vuitton didara didara julọ
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Wo Awọn bulọọgi apo iro diẹ sii:
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Awọn alaye Didara ti apo ajọra Louis Vuitton
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$19 Ra Apamọwọ Apẹrẹ Ẹda Didara Giga tabi dimu kaadi (ege kan nikan fun akọọlẹ kọọkan)