Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

Sanyuanli, located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, southern China, is the core area for wholesale leather in Guangzhou China , Guangzhou China is also a global wholesale and distribution center for replica bags. At the entrance of the leather city in Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China, the banner “resolutely resist counterfeit products” is particularly prominent, but behind the banner, on the sidewalk, there are stores selling replica designer products.

Although the sale of replica bags is the industry’s unspoken rule, the merchants are selling them secretly. They are afraid to put the samples on the counter. They even have to choose roadside deals. So when people first explore the market, they feel like a “ghost market” in Sanyuanli, Guangzhou, China.

1 Fashion girl Lisa bought Prada’s Hobo bag in Guangzhou, China

One day, Lisa came to Sanyuanli in the northern part of Guangzhou, China. This is one of the busiest arteries of north-south traffic in Guangzhou, China. Gathered nearly 30 large leather products professional market. A large number of leather products are shipped from here to all corners of the country, and even the world. The turnover of leather goods reaches 40 billion RMB per year.

A few years ago, the movie “Spy” was released, PRADA’s “Hobo bag” became popular. Because of the inability to buy bags quickly, Lisa decided to enter the replica luxury leather market. Therefore, she asked a friend in Guangzhou, China to help her, she bought the “Hobo bag” replica bags in Sanyuan. Finally, Lisa bought a replica “Hobo bag” for less than 10% of the official price, which is not much different from the real one.

If there is demand, there is a market. Behind such a huge replica luxury market, first of all, there are a large number of customers. Generally speaking, there are several types of buyers of replica luxury goods.

– One type is to buy for others.

– another type is the person who originally wanted to buy the real thing but ended up with a replica.

– Another type is people who can’t afford the real thing and already clearly want to buy a replica.

Lisa said that two days later, these goods will be sent to Beijing Women’s Street, Shanghai Changle Road, Wuhan Taobao store, and even the boutique house on the street in Xinjiang Karamay. In less than a month’s time, various brands, styles and levels of workmanship “luxury” will appear in buses, high-end office buildings and other places to show the identity and taste of the owner of the bag.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

2 Lisa’s replica bags shopping experience

Lisa told Amenda that replica bags are divided into three categories.

– 1:1 perfect replica

– Advanced replica

– Intermediate replica

In order to produce replica bags that are almost identical to the real ones, the processing company will pay a high price for the real bags and use them as a reference template.

In terms of material selection, they will try their best to find authentic material suppliers. If they can’t find one, they will choose a very similar one. Invoices, customs tickets, packaging, etc. are all complete.

Most of the 1:1 perfect replicas are handmade, stitch by stitch, materials and hardware are at the original factory level, almost identical to the real ones, and the workmanship can surpass the original real ones.

Advanced replica are purchased at the real counter, and then taken back to the factory for disassembly imitation.

Intermediate replica bags have the same style as the real ones. In terms of materials, the factory also refers exactly to the authentic bags. If the real one is cowhide then use cowhide, if the real one is sheepskin then use sheepskin. The hardware and plate type can be exactly the same as the real thing. Only the quality of the replica bags is to improve the quality and craftsmanship of the leather hardware on the basis of the 1:1 perfect replica, and the details are handled more carefully.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

3 Kelly’s replica bags shopping experience

Kelly is a white-collar worker in a company in Jinan, China, earning 5k-6k RMB per month. Recently, she found that her colleagues with low income were buying replica bags, which cost tens of thousands of RMB for the genuine ones.

Kelly came to Sanyuanli this time and found Lisa, whom she knew on WhatsApp, and bought designer bags from her that she really liked. She ended up buying two designer replica bags for 3,500 RMB, and these bags came to a whole lot more than 30,000 RMB.

Kelly says her colleagues say the quality of her bags is so good that outsiders can’t tell, and even friends who have some knowledge of luxury brand bags have a hard time telling the difference between real and fake. “The workmanship is very exquisite, the logo looks neat, the leather feels good to the touch, just like the exact same ones Amenda used to get in boutiques, and it’s really hard to distinguish the real from the fake.”

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

4 Why did Amenda enter the replica bags industry and become a seller?

Before Amenda’s main business was working as a sales manager in a real estate company, which didn’t pay much. After the birth of her child, Amenda found life difficult. amenda started selling replica designer bags to make money. amenda found that there was a great demand for leather bags from her white collar colleagues around her, so amenda worked hard, stumbled upon a lot of sources, and sales exploded.

Amenda entered the luxury seller field quite by chance, just a few years before. By chance, Amenda went to Guangzhou, China to study at the headquarters. Amenda wanted to go to Guangzhou Safari Park in China with her husband, but when she got there, she said she needed to buy a leather case first, so Amenda took a cab to Baiyun Leather City in Guangzhou, China.

She had been wanting to purchase a well-made replica Louis Vuitton bag. In many online stores, every store said he was the real thing, and each store provided the exact same photo, but the prices were so different that she always felt something was wrong.

She heard a lady say this is the largest leather goods market in China, all bag styles and versions can be found here. So many replica bags are made better than the genuine ones. Many sellers get their goods from here, and even some purchasing agents buy perfect replica versions of bags from here to pretend they are the real thing.

When Amenda took a taxi to the leather goods city, Amenda felt the hotness of the market. The cab driver gave Amenda two business cards straight away after hearing their foreign accents. He also said: You can’t get high quality bags without a recommendation from someone you know.

The first time she went to Baiyun Leather Market, Amenda was really shocked. It was indeed a museum of designer leather bags. Looking around, these are all the luxury goods that Amenda and her colleagues talk about. What is MK bag, Chanel wandering bag, what GUCCI, what LV old flowers …… they save half a year’s salary to buy the bag, here only 500-2000 RMB, and Amenda had seen before replica bags exactly the same, no difference.

Many store owners explain carefully for Amenda. The quality of replica bags in Baiyun Leather City, Guangzhou, China is the highest in the world. Even if you are a professional and a counter expert, it is hard to distinguish the real from the fake just by the fabric, hardware, workmanship and stitching of the bag.

After returning from Guangzhou, China, Amenda considered the idea of selling the bags because people around Amenda wanted to buy them.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

5 Fashion conscious urban white-collar girls have a strong demand for designer bags

The office atmosphere in first-tier cities is very fashionable. Only well-known brands can get more recognition from colleagues. Colleagues always discuss designer brand bags, some prefer niche design bags, which appear more fashionable. Talking about Louis Vuitton and Chanel would seem old-fashioned, or even treating luxury as an everyday necessity.

The white-collar workers in the office are moving from second-tier brands to first-tier brands, and they are getting sicker and sicker. Those small office clerks earning a few thousand RMB a month wear a VERSACE shirt for 6,000 RMB, a Loewe belt for 4,000 RMB, an Armani jacket for 15,000 RMB, a GUCCI bag for 15,000 RMB and a pair of BALLY shoes for 6,000 RMB .

Amenda finally placed an order at an online store and bought a MiuMiu purse for less than 2,000 RMB so that Amenda could flaunt herself living the good life.

For white-collar workers kidnapped by consumption, there is no difference between earning 5,000 RMB per month and earning 10,000 RMB per month because they will all be spent by the end of the month.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

6 Amenda found a Guangzhou supplier of high quality designer replica bags

Amenda was convinced that once they found high quality items at affordable prices, white girls would come to Amenda and buy them like crazy.

Amenda picked up a stack of business cards in the leather goods city, searched for a variety of replica bags dealers, and secretly recommended them to Amenda’s familiar colleagues.

The first bag Amenda sold was a Burberry backpack. Fortunately, it was a Burberry leather men’s bag. This backpack can be made from leather and many factories can make it better than the real thing.

At first, Amenda carefully checked the details of each bag Amenda sold. But Amenda is new to this industry and Amenda is very limited.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

7 Amenda was cheated by the seller in Guangzhou

Amenda still makes mistakes frequently and after a long time Amenda found that the goods in the leather goods town were under stocked and the stalls often exchanged goods with each other without credibility. After getting a very bad quality bag, Amenda returned it and exchanged it to another stall and found that the goods received were from the previous store.

After that, several of Amenda’s customers were very unhappy. Reputation was also greatly affected and sales were hampered.

Suddenly, many of Amenda’s colleagues around her were equipped with the ability to identify counterfeit goods. They knew all the details of designer goods, they were familiar with various luxury bag evaluation techniques, and they could identify all the little details.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

8 Amenda became an expert in quality identification of replica bags

Amenda recognized the opportunity and felt compelled to become an expert in the identification of replica bags. amenda screened and convinced a few friends to learn identification with Amenda, and in less than a month, Amenda set up a “Fake Authentication Team”.

9 Amenda rebuilds its reputation and more and more customers trust her

Accompanied by such a high level of inspection team, Amenda’s ability to identify various goods has improved by leaps and bounds, and Amenda has gradually arrived at some rules as to which brands are available OEM in China and what kind of goods can make customers enter and buy.

Many of the top brands are made of extremely fine materials, as is the leather. The African ostrich leather used on the counter has a different feel to the domestic leather. The texture of the leather is also different when viewed through a magnifying glass. Even some well-known manufacturers of auxiliary materials pay close attention to the materials they use. Japanese YKK copper zippers are special. YKK has its own copper mine in South America, so the rise in international copper prices will not affect it at all.

After a few months, Amenda began to distinguish the difference between different grades of merchandise. You can check replica goods at the counter, and non-professionals cannot buy original replica bags.

Rough replica goods are not recommended to customers at all. the deeper Amenda’s contact, the more professional she is and can help customers buy the highest quality replica bags.

Amenda has more and more repeat customers because of Amenda’s strict quality control and low price, which is honest to customers (they won’t sell low quality replica bags with high price). Later, Amenda can sell more than a dozen items in a month. The profit of large bags is usually low, but the profit margin of small bags is high. On a good day you can make several thousand dollars.

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

10 Professional replica product sellers never cheat customers

Leather City is equivalent to a large supermarket. Each stall is a shelf. In order to be professional and win the trust of customers, each “shelf” has a brand. If you do Prada, you won’t get Gucci; if you do Chanel, you won’t get LV, if you do Fendi, you won’t get MK.

Some merchants, by virtue of the quality of the perfect replica bags, sell them as authentic, along with a full set of packaging and an invoice for the authentic purchase, including serial number, ID card, manual, tags, and a premium moisture-proof dust bag included!

Amenda could easily get her hands on these top quality replica bags too, but she won’t do it because she feels it’s cheating, even though there’s a lot of money to be made from this type of sale.

Amenda believes that her most important asset is the trust her customers have in her, and maintaining those customers for a long time is what she really wants to do.

As night falls, the wholesale leather goods market in Sanyuanli, Guangzhou, China, enters a busy period. People just want to get their goods from the warehouse to the stalls in the shortest possible time and then quickly move on to the next cycle. When will there be an inflection point in this booming and chaotic industry?

Selling replica designer bags for 12 years, the bags you buy online are shipped from Guangzhou, China (2022 updated)-Best Quality Fake designer Bag Review, Replica designer bag ru

11 Amenda has started an online shop selling replica bags:

This is the first half of Amenda’s story of selling replica bags, and the second half is in progress. This time she wants to serve global fashionistas because she has accumulated enough experience.

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