- 27
- Jan
Dior Nano Best quality Replica bags (2022 latest)
This Dior Nano clutch is an original and functional accessory with an iconic shape. It is elaborately decorated with a blue Oblique print and the flap is decorated with the “CD” logo. The back side features a buckle that can be worn as a belt around the waist, with a detachable chain shoulder strap, or slung across the body. The front is adorned with the “CD” logo, which is very recognizable to the brand. This high quality replica bag with a gold chain is full of fashion. It is very fashionable whether you carry it on your shoulder or over. The size of this bag is small, but it can hold all the small everyday items a girl needs to go out, making it perfect for everyday use.
Grootte: 13.5 × 9.5x4cm
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