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Louis Vuitton M68746 Dauphine 18.5cm top quality replica bags(2022 Updated)
This Louis Vuitton Dauphine is designed with Monogram and Monogram Reverse two-style canvas, and this patchwork design is very retro. The biggest advantage of this material is that it is wearable and not easy to have scratches no matter how you use it. This is very friendly to girls who don’t take care of their bags much. This high quality replica bag has a locking closure that makes it very easy to pick up things. The latch is engraved with the letters “LV”, which is very recognizable to the brand. The capacity of the bag is also very good, whether it is for commuting or traveling, it can hold all the items needed for daily use.
መጠን: 18.5 x 12 x 5 ሴሜ
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