How great quality is a Shebag Chanel Le Boy bag of Caviar leather (2024 Week 6)


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Recently, the Shebag replica factory produced a batch of Chanel Le Boy bags using white caviar leather from the French Haas factory, identical in quality to the leather used in genuine Chanel bags.

The Le Boy’s hardware comes in many varieties, and we have chosen the most popular light gold finish. The hardware of the double C logo is made of pure copper, and the shoulder strap hardware is made of high-hardness steel, consistent with the material of the genuine bag’s hardware.

Shebag pays attention to the details of the bags. The screws on each part of the Chanel bag are carefully selected; the hardware on the sides of the flap is cleanly and neatly engraved, fully in line with genuine craftsmanship. The shoulder strap uses flat head screws, the side hardware uses hexagonal screws, and the hardware on the back of the flap also uses hexagonal screws, with the back of the shoulder strap featuring flat head screws. The engraving is exquisite, without any ripple effect, finely polished, and evenly electroplated.

The hardware on both sides of the Le Boy bag’s flap also features hexagonal torx screws, with each of the six angles sharply defined. The hot stamping process on the interior label is clearly visible, and each letter conforms to the genuine bag’s hot stamping standards. The chip version’s code engraving must also be exactly the same as the genuine bag, not a generic font.

Below, please enjoy the high-definition detail photos and videos we have recently taken.

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How great quality is a Shebag Chanel Le Boy bag of Caviar leather (2024 Week 6)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton Bag Online Store ، حقيبة مصمم طبق الأصل ru

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