Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

In recent years, the designer bags often increase the price seems to have become a regular operation… The Chanel that everyone loves is the leader of the price increase army! The number of price increases, the rate of increase, can always cause a small sensation.

At the same time, far away in China Chanel bag replica factory is also stepping up research and development replica new Chanel bags, providing the market with top quality replica Chanel bags at prices much lower than the authentic bags, but the top quality replica Chanel bags , material and processing is same with authentic bags.

The difference between the price of top quality replica Chanel bags and the price of authentic bags is the brand premium of Chanel, if people do not want to pay the brand premium of Chanel Double C Logo, they can consider buying top quality replica Chanel bags.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

The price of Chanel, after several rounds of price adjustment, is now more and more a kind of people can not afford to climb the feeling of “high”. The most classic classic Flap has risen to the price of $9,000, Jumbo size even directly through the $10,000 mark!

A lot of girls who have been loving CF before, but have been slow to get started, can only look at the new price now and regret it.

Yes, 9000 + USD CF, is really some can not get down ah!

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But for girls who genuinely want to have CF, the heart is always on the mind is not a solution, in the end how to do it?

So today, Shebag specially organized a variety of solution ideas for you, you can look at the reference ~

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Choice One: Buy a mini model Chanel bag

Faced with the high price of 10K USD, some girls may directly consider the mini model CF or 2.55.

It’s true, although the size is smaller in comparison, these two bags are also very classic!

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

They are basically completely large size equal scale reduced version, recognizable also very high!

And although the size is not large, the capacity is basically enough for daily outings, can be loaded with a large phone and some essential small things.

The point is, the price of these two bags is really a lot cheaper, is less than half of the medium CF! The pressure to buy will be much less.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But in fact, buying a mini model is not a 100% perfect solution, there are still some small problems ~

When you think about it, the price of $5,000 to buy a mini bag is actually quite expensive, especially if you compare it with other brands of mini bags.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

One more thing, like the big mini CF and square fat, there are certain limitations in the back method.

They do not have the most classic CF bag sliding leather through the chain design, so only crossbody or shoulder back, not double chain back, less CF an important advantage.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

And mini models are relatively more youthful and fashionable, more or less weakening the classic CF and 2.55 comes with a sense of elegance and a sense of sophistication.

Before you buy, you still need to deliberate ~

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Choice two: buy Mini bag

In the last two years, Chanel’s various Mini bags are really hot!

A variety of “dazzling” style, attracting the attention of a group of fashionable girls.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Although it is a super mini bag, but they are concentrated Chanel various essence in one, there is a kind of “small, all the guts” feeling!

The classic models have been increasing in price, the single price of $2000-3000 Mini bag is particularly attractive ~.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

And Mini bag is now a big hit, on the body very can give a body wear plus points, fashionable as hell!

So many girls give up buying the classic style and start exploring Chanel’s small leather goods category.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But inevitably, after the real purchase, you will find that the Mini bag also has its drawbacks.

Although the bag is cute and delicate, but the capacity is really too mini.

In addition to being able to put down lipstick, keys and other small everyday things, it really can’t hold anything else.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

And at first with may be very happy, but gradually will also have a kind of spend a lot of money, but still did not get a complete Chanel bag feeling.

It’s far from the satisfaction of getting a regular size Chanel bag.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Choice three: buy Hermes , although many girls really like Chanel classic models very much.

But some people still feel that spending 10K USD on a Chanel is a little over.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru


Especially seeing the CF price all the way up, it will not be able to get down, or even a gas, the idea of adding some budget to buy a Hermes directly.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But in fact, compared to buy Chanel and Hermes bags, the budget gap is still quite big.

Take the younger members of the Hermes family, Lindy and Mini Lindy, to have one, you have to prepare a budget of at least 15K USD.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Not to mention the most classic Birkin and Kelly.

Pupi itself is priced at 15K USD, plus the possible matching, premium, then you have to prepare a budget of at least 25K USD.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

However, if you can accept the match, you will end up getting other Hermes items in addition to the desired bag.

For example, clothes, shoes, jewelry and so on, if it happens to be your favorite style, may also be a not bad choice ~.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Choice four: buy seasonal Chanel

There are also some girls that will aim to Chanel seasonal models bags.

For example, the Chanel 22 and 19 that have exploded in the last two years.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Although not cheap, but the budget of 3~4W is still with CF to open some gap, more friendly ~.

The same convergence of Chanel’s most classic leather through the chain, diamond pattern, double C logo and other elements, very Chanel classical model.

The bag’s style is young and trendy, but also has more casual accent than CF.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Although many girls may still be “tempted” to own a classic Classic Flap in the future.

But at that time, perhaps CF will be more expensive!

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Choice 5: Buy Chanel CF

In fact, I’ve realized that there’s only one thing that matters when it comes to buying a CF!

That is, if you decide not to buy CF in the future, then the choice of bags is actually quite rich.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Delvaux Tempête

Many brands have a very classic and elegant choice of bags.

Like Lady Dior, Delvaux Brillant, Goyard Saigon, etc., are both senior and tasteful bag representatives ~.

And, these bags are really high value, are back out very powerful style.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Rihanna、Jisoo、Bella Hadid

Of course, Chanel also has a great selection and is well worth a look.

In addition to evergreen models like 19 and 22, many seasonal models of flap bags and school bags are priced at 5K USD+ per unit, which is a more appropriate price point compared to classic bags.

And these bags retain the most classic elements of Chanel while naturally incorporating other seasonal fashionable elements, very own characteristics ~.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But if you just want to have a Chanel Classic Flap and still lay your hands on it later, you need to think about it~

First of all, CF is really classic, in the bag world is really irreplaceable existence.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Zhou Xun

The sliding belt through the chain design can switch different back method, daily can create a variety of possibilities.

And the size is just right, the body is very present at the same time, the daily use of the capacity is also good.

Not to mention, how versatile the CF’s simple and atmospheric look is! Completely can be integrated into a variety of occasions in life.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Leonie Hanne、Emma Roberts、Karlie Kloss、Chiara Ferragni

The key thing is that owning a CF is really a dream for many girls.

It is no exaggeration to say that only when they actually buy this bag, they feel their bag journey “complete”.

And this bag at any time to take out to carry quite appropriate, do not worry about the problem of obsolescence ~

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

But if you really decide to buy CF, it is recommended that before you start, you still need to think about the following issues.

One, in fact, many people buy CF are not very willing to use, especially now that the price is so expensive.

The number of daily use may be much less than imagined. Then we have to think about, so expensive a bag, I really will use it? Is it really worth buying?

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Second, if your budget is really tight, we actually do not recommend in order to buy a bag and squeeze your life dry, or even to reduce the quality of life.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Especially when there are still many good choices for big name chain bags.

Like Saint Laurent Niki, Celine Triomphe , Chanel Coco Handle and so on, are both classic and very important styles of the brand, and continue to make power.

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Third, in fact, to be honest, now carrying a black and gold CF out, people will not feel very fashionable.

Many girls actually buy CF, more for their own happiness and satisfaction, so they would like to have one in particular!

Chanel bags are too expensive, what should I do? (2023 updated)-Nejkvalitnější falešná taška Louis Vuitton Online Store, Replica designer bag ru

Liu Wen

Talking about it again, what do you think about the matter of buying CF?

When you bought it, did you think it was expensive? How long did you hesitate before finally getting started?

It’s a very amazing thing to buy a bag, a small thing but it makes people think and think.
