- 22
- Feb
Shebag handmade Hermes white Picotin 18 bag in white togo (2025 Feb updated)
This is the last top-tier, handmade replica Hermes Picotin 18 bag photographed by Shebag. Surprised? Who would have thought such an exquisite bag is actually a replica.
In terms of craftsmanship and leather quality, it is indistinguishable from the genuine bag. The off-white Togo leather requires only the best materials because any flaw on off-white leather is easily noticeable.
The silver hardware is very understated. Our hardware is made of high-hardness metal, which incurs high costs for the metal, molds, and polishing. We use a palladium coating on our hardware, ensuring it is hard enough that it will not rust or scratch even with long-term use.
This is the quality of Shebag’s handmade bags.