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- Jan
Chanel 2.55 hochwertige Replik-Tasche (2022 aktualisiert)
Chanel 2.55 top quality replica bag is officially for sale. The design of this bag is inspired by the colors of the uniform Chanel wore in the orphanage when she was young, and the classic double C logo pattern, which also represents Ms. Chanel’s impression of the flower pattern on the glass window of the convent. Even the silver chain shown above is derived from the memory of the orphanage administrator. The most interesting thing is the inner compartment design of 2.55, which is said to be the place where Ms. Chanel used to put her love letters. Not only that, Chanel brand also named the classic square buckle “Mademoiselle Lock”, meaning “Mademoiselle Lock”, symbolizing that Chanel lady has never married. When you carry this bag, it is as if you are walking with Chanel’s elegant connotation and unique life experience.
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