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From February 18 this year, Louis Vuitton will increase prices by 8%-20% (2023 updated)

From February 18 this year, Louis Vuitton will increase prices by 8%-20% (2023 updated)-Καλύτερης ποιότητας Fake Louis Vuitton Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, Replica designer bag ru

According to sources cited by Fashion Business Express, Louis Vuitton will make its first global price increase this year on February 18, ranging from 8% to 20%, and some of its footwear products have already completed price adjustments.

The news has affected a number of Louis Vuitton boutiques that have started to flood with people at the door, with many consumers saying they want to buy the products they want before the price increase. In this regard, Louis Vuitton’s official customer service said that it has not yet received a notice to raise prices in February.

It is worth noting that this price increase is only two months past Louis Vuitton’s price increase in December 2022. Last year, Louis Vuitton’s income exceeded 20 billion euros for the first time.

Louis Vuitton bags prices are rising every year, the rate of increase is generally, adding up to about 10-15% each year, of course, the popular classic models rise more, the price of cold styles remain the same. For bags and clothes with very little sales, and shoes, Louis Vuitton regularly destroys its stock and does not flow into the market at low prices.

Louis Vuitton coated canvas bags continue to rise in price, but because they are not genuine leather, many people will choose to buy top quality replica bags.

The high cost of repair seems to steer customers to buy new packages

From February 18 this year, Louis Vuitton will increase prices by 8%-20% (2023 updated)-Καλύτερης ποιότητας Fake Louis Vuitton Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, Replica designer bag ru

The repairs went up big time already. I had a quote a year ago for new leather on my speedy 35 classic, it was $660. I asked again yesterday and was told $895 plus $295 if i want the zipper replaced. OMG. Gonna just carry my beat to hell bag!

Why more and more people buy replica Louis Vuitton bags?

From February 18 this year, Louis Vuitton will increase prices by 8%-20% (2023 updated)-Καλύτερης ποιότητας Fake Louis Vuitton Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, Replica designer bag ru

Louis Vuitton’s classic bags are dominated by Monogram, a coated canvas, not leather, and should not cost more than $2000, but there are not many Louis Vuitton bags below $2000.

It is thought that Monogram is a kind of coated canvas that is not high priced and easy to imitate. Top Louis Vuitton replica bags are of high quality and are exactly the same as the genuine ones, priced at around $300.

Also, Louis Vuitton leather style bags are very high priced, Capucines handbags often cost more than $5000 and are also very difficult to purchase. Of course, Chanel is more difficult to purchase than Louis Vuitton.

So, instead of waiting for months at Louis Vuitton stores, you can buy top replica LV bags and get them right away, with very good quality and exactly the same as the real thing.

Why is Louis Vuitton so expensive & still increasing their prices?

From February 18 this year, Louis Vuitton will increase prices by 8%-20% (2023 updated)-Καλύτερης ποιότητας Fake Louis Vuitton Ηλεκτρονικό κατάστημα, Replica designer bag ru

To understand why LV can charge as much as they do for their accessories and still be able to increase their prices yearly – we first have to look at the history of the brand. The fashion house of Louis Vuitton was founded in France in 1854 by Louis Vuitton Malletier. A few years later, in 1859, the early success of the company which at the time was specializing in luggage, allowed them to open a new site in Paris, home for 20 employees. In 1896, the son of Louis Vuitton, Georges patens the famous LV monogram – ironically to prevent copy-cats from stealing their design. In 1914, Louis Vuitton opens their flagship store on Champs-Élysées and becomes one of the world’s most exclusive luggage makers. It wasn’t until the 1930s that LV has introduced handbags in their portfolio. The Speedy and Noé were the first handbags introduced by the fashion house and remain in their heritage collection today.

In 2021, the value of the brand has increased further despite the pandemic and it was one of the main contributors to its parent company LVMH together with Dior. The rich history of Louis Vuitton is one of the main reasons why the brand is able to increase its prices and still have a cult following.

Cult Following

History and quality are one of the most important elements of a luxury house but one cannot be successful without a group of people who love and support your brand. We found Louis Vuitton’s fans one of the most loyal in the luxury world and they will support their brand regardless of the frequent price increases. In fact, price increases also serve as a way to convince customers to buy a certain piece now, before the price will rise again. What’s different at Louis Vuitton compared to other high-end fashion houses like Chanel and Hermès is that they have a relatively big portfolio of entry level pieces, which means that younger people will become “hooked” on the brand and progressively buy more expensive pieces.
