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- Mar
Loewe Puzzle best quality replica bags (2022 updated)
This Puzzle is one of Loewe’s most popular bags. It is made of grained calfskin, the biggest advantage of this material is wear-resistant, no matter how to use it is not easy to have scratches, the shape of this high quality replica bags is very chic, it is 40 pieces of different shapes of leather stitched together. Because of the use of multiple pieces of leather stitching relationship, it becomes more changes in the shape of the bag body, but also so Puzzle bag will not affect the storage because of the limitations of the shape of the object, but because of the unique shape of the strange ductility to add more storage space.
Neurria: 24 × 16.5 × 10.5 cm
Egin klik hemen kalitate onenaren erreplika Loewe poltsak erosteko
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