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Top 6 most worthwhile replica bags to buy (2022 Updated)
Kuv tsis paub yog tias koj lub hnab ntim cov kiv cua tau pom tias ib nrab ntawm txoj kev vwm no 2020, thaum kawg cov npe loj tau pib tsom mus rau lub zog! Tsis ntev los no ntau thiab ntau dua tshiab tso tawm ntawm lub hnab, zoo heev tsim yog heev heev!
Tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov khoom lag luam tau tshaj tawm lawv cov khoom tshiab, cov khoom tshiab no yuav sai sai no yuav muaj! Qee qhov ua ntej, thiab tam sim no maj mam qhib me me rau kev muag!
After studying a large circle, I found that now the most popular bag type, in fact, is still the armpit bag. A lot of big brands will soon be on the market new, all include small bags that can be carried underarm, retro and beautiful. Underarm bag trend, it seems to continue for a long time!
Today I’ll take a good look at which bags are most worth buying this year!
1 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Mr. Bag x Tod tus qauv kev koom tes
Thawj qhov yuav tsum hais tias nag hmo nyuam qhuav tso Mr. Bag x Tod cov qauv kev koom tes! Nag hmo, ntau tus kiv cua ntawm lub hnab tau tso tawm cov lus, cov koob no yog qhov zoo heev! Kuv tus kheej kuj xav tias nws zoo heev! Kuv tuaj yeem hais tias ob xyoos dhau los, kuv zoo siab tshaj plaws thiab txaus siab tshaj plaws ntawm tus tsim!
Qhov no yog qhov thib plaub xyoo sib law liag uas Tod’s thiab kuv tau pib ua haujlwm sib koom ua ke. Feem ntau ntawm kev sib koom tes yav dhau los tau nyob ntawm Tod lub hnab uas twb muaj lawm, nrog cov qauv tsim tshwj xeeb hauv cov xim thiab cov ntsiab lus. Tab sis lub sij hawm no lub series yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog, yog ib lub hnab tshiab! Tseem suav tias yog ib txhiab hu tuaj, thiab thaum kawg ntsib koj!
Kuv lub hom phiaj lub sij hawm no, yog coj koj ib tug zoo heev tus nqi, yuav ua li cas coj cov duab nyob rau hauv koj nraub qaum yog tshwj xeeb zoo-zoo, tab sis kuj siv tau heev, zoo backarm hnab! Yog li kuv tshwj xeeb tshaj yog xaiv lub cev peb-dimensional ib nrab-lub hli, thiab tag nrho cov ntsiab lus yooj yim. Xws li tus qauv yooj yim heev, maj mam nrog qee qhov kev sau ntawv, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog zoo nrog, casually nqa, yuav ua li cas thaij duab zoo heev.
Kuv tau siv zog los xaiv cov xim rau qhov kev sib koom tes no! Peb cov xim yog tag nrho cov xim uas kuv xav tias zoo heev. Lawv yog cov tshuaj yej muaj kuab heev thiab muaj kuab heev, cov nqaij thiab cov hluas pistachio ntsuab, thiab txias thiab sau ntawv almond dawb.
Mis tshuaj yej xim yog ntau yam classic xim, zoo heev, thiab nyob rau lub caij nplooj zeeg tom ntej thiab lub caij ntuj no rov qab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog zoo rov qab! Qhov no kuj yog ib qho ntawm cov xim classic tshaj plaws ntawm Tod’s, Princess Diana nyiam xim xyoo ntawd. Tus yuam sij yog nrog xws li ib tug yooj yim underarm hnab tsim, nws yog ib qho yooj yim mus nqa tawm cov lus sau, tab sis kuj me ntsis naughty ntxhais huab cua.
Nkauj Zu’er
Lub sij hawm no, kuv pom ntau tus neeg tau hais tias lawv nyiam no pistachio ntsuab! Kuv tus kheej kuj super hlub! Nws tseem hluas heev! Txhua txoj kev coj yog fashionable heev, nrog ib tug blazer oversize, los yog ib tug hluas nkauj tas luav T-shirt yuav ua tau. Me ntsis txias, me ntsis ntxim hlub, me ntsis kev sau ntawv, txhua tus tuaj yeem tuav tau!
Thiab almond dawb yog qhov qhuav thiab huv si, me ntsis txias thiab tsis noj lub siab nyiam ntawm lub ntiaj teb. Ua ke nrog embossed logo tsim, thiab zoo zoo stitching, tag nrho cov pob plaub tiaj tus, nyob ntsiag to thiab laus, yog twv yuav raug hu ib tug nyiam ntawm cov ntxhais uas nyiam vintage literary style.
Hauv kev tsim ntawm lub hnab no, kuv xav txog qhov feem ntau yog qhov ntev ntawm lub xub pwg pluaj. Yog tias lub xub pwg pluaj ntev dhau lawm, koj tsis tuaj yeem nqa cov nyhuv ntawm lub caj dab, cov hlua khi luv luv, lub caj dab rov qab thiab yuav daig heev, tsis xis nyob heev. Yog li kuv tau tshawb fawb ntau, thiab thaum kawg pom lub xub pwg pluaj yooj yim tshaj plaws rau cov ntxhais Asian.
Yuav ntev me ntsis ntawm lub hnab ntim hauv qab dav dav, rov qab zoo heev, tsis daig txhua. Yog li, txawm tias koj hnav lub tsho tuab, koj tuaj yeem hnav khaub ncaws hnav hauv qab! Tau kawg, qhov loj thiab muaj peev xwm ntawm lub hnab no, kuv kuj muaj qhov tuav zoo! Nws lub peev xwm yog qhov zoo heev hauv ib lub hnab me me!
Cov xov tooj ntawm tes loj, roj teeb rov qab, thiab txhua hnub xav tau ntawm daim di ncauj, hmoov, thiab lwm yam, tuaj yeem muab tso rau. Thiab lub hnab no lub cev yog tawv dawb, tsis tsuas yog khaws cov Tod cov khoom tawv tawv zoo ib yam, tab sis kuj tshwj xeeb yog lub teeb, yog lub cev tsis muaj kev nkag siab ntawm lub nra ntawm lub hnab me. Txawm hais tias koj tawm mus txhua hnub lossis xav hnav khaub ncaws me ntsis, nws yog qhov kev xaiv zoo.
More details about the Mr. Bag x Tod’s collaboration series will be revealed one after another! Seeing how popular it is now, I guess this bag will be especially popular! If you like this bag, hurry up and buy it!
2 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Gucci Jackie 1961
Recently there is a bag that I myself have liked to death! It’s this new Gucci Jackie 1961!
Nws tau nthuav tawm ntawm Lub Caij Nplooj Ntoos Hlav / Lub Caij Ntuj Sov 2020 thiab nws zoo heev, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov mini version tsuas yog ntxim nyiam! Thaum nws tawm los, kuv paub tias lub hnab no yuav nrov! Ntxiv rau nws tseem yog qhov tshwj xeeb hauv lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav thaum ntxov tom qab ntawd, uas yuav qhia tau tias lub hnab no yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws rau Gucci thiab yuav ua tau zoo heev!
After waiting for more than half a year, Jackie 1961 can finally buy it recently! In fact, looking at the name, you can find that it is also a replica bag. Initially debuted in 1961, because the fashion icon at the time Jackie Kennedy often carry, so the name “Jackie O’s Bag”.
Kuv yuav tsum hais, tus qauv yog tiag tiag reincarnation! Ntau tshaj li ib nrab xyoo dhau los, cov style retro yog rov qab, xws li Hobo armpit hnab zoo thiab ua super nyob rau hauv txoj kab nrog rau qhov zoo nkauj tam sim no. Thiab lub xyoo tshiab Jackie yog lub hnab tiag tiag uas kuv xav tias tsis tshua muaj, thiab qhov tseeb zoo li zoo dua li yav dhau los style!
Jackie 1961 sau ntau yam ntawm Gucci cov ntsiab lus classic. Tsis tsuas yog nws muaj lub retro-chic GG Supreme luam, lub round-edged trapezoidal hauv qab, tab sis cov hlau clasp nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm lub hnab kuj yog ib tug heev iconic tsim.
Tsis yog GG Supreme print style kuj zoo heev! Lub cev ntawm lub hnab yog ib tug super retro ib nrab-lub hli zoo li, nyob rau hauv lub xyoo no ib tug xov tooj ntawm cov square hnab zoo heev tshwj xeeb, tab sis tsis dhau exaggerated, lub classic theem tag nrho, tsis ntshai ntawm tawm hnub!
In addition to this, the biggest highlight of this bag comes from its shoulder strap, which is also more intimate than the vintage Jackie. The new shoulder strap is adjustable in length, and there is also a patchwork shoulder strap included. Adjust the short shoulder strap can be handheld, slightly longer as an underarm bag is very suitable, plus the patchwork shoulder strap can also be crossbody, a bag can be changed out of a special many shapes!
Raws li Gucci cov qauv ntim khoom tshiab, ntau lub hnub qub kuj tau nqa Jackie tshiab, retro thiab pom tseeb kev ntxhib los mos, zoo thiab zoo heev cantankerous, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nyiam!
Tam sim no kuv tau pom qhov loj me, muaj mini thiab me. Tus naj npawb Mini Kuv pom zoo, yog qhov loj ntawm lub hnab xov tooj ntawm tes, tsuas yog muab tso rau hauv lub xov tooj, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog ntxim hlub, txawm tias koj tsis tuaj yeem nqa hauv qab, tab sis nqa hauv tes kuj tseem muag heev thiab saib zoo.
The capacity of the small size will be more ample, the basic daily needs of things can be loaded, the upper body size is also very suitable, is a perfect underarm bag. Gucci 2021 early spring show, but also the new large size Jackie 1961, this size boys hold a special feeling!
Qhov yeeb yam thaum ntxov caij nplooj ntoos hlav, qhov kuv nyiam tsis yog Jackie nkaus xwb! Yuav ua li cas ntxim hlub!
3 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Prada Re-Edition 2006
Thaum nws los txog rau lub hnab hauv qab, Prada ntau yam nylon Hobo’s tau ua lub npe rau lawv tus kheej! Yog tias koj tseem tab tom nrhiav lub teeb yuag, pheej yig thiab classic Prada hnab underarm, tab sis tsis xav sib tsoo ntau dhau, mus saib Prada’s Re-Edition 2006 tshiab!
Lub cev ntawm lub hnab zoo li lub hli crescent tshwj xeeb yog qhov ntxim nyiam, ob qho tib si cov theem ntawm cov nylon Hobo zoo tib yam, tab sis kuj muaj cov duab tshiab thiab nthuav ntau dua! Nws qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws yog lub xauv lub buckle uas txuas ob kawg. Qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws ntawm nws yog tias qhov no tuaj yeem txuas rau ob qhov kawg ntawm lub xauv buckle buckle, lub cev ntawm lub hnab nws tus kheej yog ib lub hnab tes, nqaij thiab xws li tib lub sijhawm.
Thiab tshem lub latch, nws cov duab yuav zoo ib yam li Prada’s yav dhau los Hobo qauv, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog classic underarm hnab.
Yog tias koj tseem nyiam lub hnab tawv, Prada yeej muaj lub hnab hauv qab tshiab uas kuv nyiam heev! Los ntawm qhov nyuam qhuav tso tawm Caij nplooj ntoos hlav/Lub caij ntuj sov 2021 menswear show! Txawm hais tias nws yog ib tug txiv neej ua yeeb yam, tab sis kuj tso tawm ob peb txheej ntawm cov poj niam tshiab khaub ncaws! Qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov hnab tso tawm tshiab yog lub hnab ntim hauv qab lub hli ib nrab hli!
Although the design is simple, but the classic Prada triangle label and with some glossy leather makes it look particularly high class. And it also has a small twist, look closely at the short side and long side of the asymmetric design, from a regular small bag, become more design sense!
Tsis tas li ntawd, lub caij no muaj ob peb lub hnab me me, kuj yog ob qho tib si tes nqa, kuj haum rau nqa raws li lub hnab hauv qab lub xub pwg. Lub hnab flap tsim zoo li ntau vintage cov ntaub ntawv, nrog cov xim tshiab macaron yuav qhia txog kev nkag siab ntawm tus ntxhais!
Qhov tseeb, Prada Caij nplooj ntoos hlav / Lub caij ntuj sov 2021 feem ntau mus rau cov style minimalist. Txawm hais tias nws yog ib tug txiv neej ua yeeb yam, ob peb ntawm cov poj niam hnav khaub ncaws tau sib tham heev. Cov ntaub ntawv nylon ib txwm ua rau tib neeg txoj kev zoo nkauj thiab zoo nkauj, tab sis kuv tsis xav tias nws yuav tsum tau ua rau hauv cov khaub ncaws bustier thiaj li ntxim nyiam thiab ntxim nyiam, yog li kuv xav tias yuav muaj ntau tus ntxhais uas nyiam zam yuav tom qab ntawd!
Ntxiv mus, qhov no yog qhov kawg Prada sau los ntawm Ms. Muicca Prada, tom qab uas Raf Simons yuav koom nrog tsim ua ke. Yog li, qhov kev sau no tsim nyog yuav khoom, cov khoom sib sau tau zoo heev!
4 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Burberry Olympia
Burberry’s Caij nplooj zeeg / caij ntuj no 2020 qhia pom qhov pib ntawm lub hnab hauv qab no, uas kuj tau tham los ntawm ntau tus ntxhais uas nyiam lub hnab. Vim tias cov yeeb yam tau tuav ntawm Olympia Exhibition Center hauv London, lub hnab no kuj tau txais lub npe Olympia Bag.
Zhou Dong Yau
Tus tsim ntawm lub hnab me me no yuav luag thoob plaws hauv kev ua yeeb yam, nws tsis yooj yim pom, nws yuav yog lub caij tom ntej Burberry tseem ceeb heev lub ntsiab laub hnab qauv!
Olympia Bag lub cev, tib yam yog ib qho kev nco qab heev nkhaus tsim, thiab nws lub xub pwg pluaj dua li cov kev xav ntawm lub hnab hauv qab lub xub pwg pluaj ntev dua, qhov tseeb, kuj hais txog lub caij nplooj zeeg thiab lub caij ntuj no rov qab yog qhov tshwj xeeb tshaj yog tsim nyog. Hnav khaub ncaws tuab tsis ntshai, lub cev sab sauv tseem yooj yim thiab dashing!
The classic checkered design is very Burberry feeling, but also a special retro tone of the small bag! How about that? This Burberry latest underarm bag, do you like it?
5 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Louis Vuitton Vanity
Louis Vuitton pleev hnab yog nrov thiab nrov hnub no! Qhov ntxov tshaj plaws, yog qhov pib ntawm ob peb lub hnab ntim ob lub zip ntawm lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav / Lub caij ntuj sov 2020 qhia.
Tom qab ntawd, lub paj qub no sau rau sab saum toj rov qab xim tsim lub hnab pleev xim, nrov tshaj plaws! Nrog cov saw dub thiab kub zoo nkaus li poj niam zoo nkauj, tuav tau zoo nkauj heev!
But this bag in the old flower bag model pricing is not low, another more basic model of Nice better value for money, in recent months the popularity soared! Especially the mini models are the most popular. Although not equipped with a shoulder strap, but you can buy one to match, will be more practical! The Nice Vanity, which is bigger than the PM, comes with a wide shoulder strap in nude pink, and it’s actually very convenient to travel with a bag like this, which has a lot of capacity and is also quite fashionable!
Louis Vuitton tau tshaj tawm cov ntawv sau poker txias rau lub caij nplooj ntoo hlav thaum ntxov 2021, thiab tseem tsim lub hnab tsim!
This series of colorful old flower design, combined with the elements in the playing cards, reminiscent of the tri-color design in cooperation with Takashi Murakami, very girl cute! If you like it, you can look forward to it!
6 Qhov zoo tshaj plaws replica hnab: Dior Bamboo pob tawb
Dior 2021 thaum ntxov caij nplooj ntoos hlav yeeb yam, yog tag nrho ntawm so style! Kuv nyiam, yog ob lub hnab xyoob no! Dior lub hnab tsim, tam sim no tau dhau los ua tsev kawm ntawm nws tus kheej! Rattan + Dior Logo + dav lub xub pwg pluaj tsim, yooj yim thiab ruaj khov.
Ntxiv nrog rau lub hnab tote sab saum toj, muaj qhov ntxim hlub me me pob tawb tsim. Yuav kom ncaj ncees, txawm hais tias ob lub hnab no zoo li qis dua, tab sis tseem vaguely nrog ib co aristocratic temperament, ntau haum rau cov ntxhais tsis phem lub hnab mus yuav los sau!
Zoo, nws tsim nyog yuav lub hnab, yog li cia peb sau nws ntawm no! Tom qab nyeem cov lus qhia niaj hnub no, lub hnab twg koj xav yuav tshaj plaws?