- 18
- Jan
Dior Saddle Black Best quality replica bag (2022 updated)
Dior Saddle Black Best quality replica bag is finally on sale! Mini saddle bag made of sheepskin, saddle flap with stirrup “D” shape charm, the handle is decorated with “CD” logo on both sides. It can be matched with Dir’s various embroidered shoulder straps to show off your personality. The shape of this bag should be considered unprecedented, and almost identical to the real saddle. Not only for Dior, but also for the whole fashion industry at that time, this bag is definitely both bold and avant-garde design, very meaningful to the times! The saddle bag is really very different, the kind of retro and with some sense of unrestrained cool, can make the person carrying it become very aura, become the most bold, the most dazzling one in the crowd! Size 12 x 7.5 x 5 cm.
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