- 28
- Feb
Louis Vuitton M57835 PAPILLON TRUNK top quality replica bags (2022 Updated)
Once this Louis Vuitton PAPILLON TRUNK went on sale, it was hard to find a bag, and I was amazed by this bag, and the more closely I looked at the details, the more I loved it. This high quality replica bags has so many details! It can be said to be one of the few exquisite works of LV in the past few years. This bag is a classic Monogram coated canvas with dark cowhide, super vintage sense! This bag has an exquisite Louis Vuitton logo on the side, and the bag uses a metal locking closure, which is very convenient and has a sense of sophistication. The two shoulder straps each have their own buckle, so you can hang them on at the same time, or feel free to mix and match to make different ways of carrying. The shoulder straps can also be used on other bags, making the shape very versatile.
Size: 19 x 9 x 9 cm
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