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- Sep
Tinjauan Paling gedhe kanggo Tas Rantai Desainer – Dawane rantai lan efek nyandhang saka wong nyata (2022 dianyari)
Tas rantai review gedhe, persis sing dawa rantai tas, sing paling cocok kanggo dhuwur sampeyan?
I believe that many girls get a bag, not only to consider its value, capacity, weight and whether it is “just right”.
The real effect of the bag on the body, is also very important!
Pesan tas rantai desainer kualitas paling apik kanthi rega diskon
Especially the chain bags!
Desain rantai beda-beda ing antarane merek, lan dawa rantai saben tas uga beda.
This time, if the chain is too long or too short, the effect on the body will be completely different!
Dadi dina iki, aku wis milih pitu saka tas rantai paling populer ing pasar, kanggo mbantu sampeyan nindakake review lengkap!
Including the classic, fashionable, but also the new chain bag models ~
See if their chain length is reasonable? How many ways are there to carry the bag? Different height girls, how the effect on the body in the end!
We also found two height 160cm, 170cm partners.
To show the same bag separately on the body, so that you can visually see the actual effect of the bag.
If you want to get a chain bag, not yet decided, or are cloud shopping, just can refer up!
Chanel Klasik Flap
Perwakilan khas tas rantai, kita kudu nyebutake Chanel Classic Flap!
Although the price of the most classic medium has risen to over 10K USD, it still occupies an important position in the hearts of many girls.
I believe you know more about this bag, in the same type of flap chain bag, CF’s chain belongs to the short type.
The measured length is only 43cm, but this length feels perfect on one shoulder, two height girls on the body, the body of the bag are falling in the crotch position.
The leather wear chain crossbody is also very nice, the bag body raised to the waist, for two height girls are very suitable, carry up is quite cool, quite sharp effect.
Nanging yen nguber tas sing nggandhol ing sisih siji, banget kesed kroso, banjur dawa chain iki ing sisih cendhak.
Saliyane crossbody Pundhak iki rong cara kanggo nindakake, Classic Flap bisa geser kulit liwat desain chain, nanging uga lempitan menyang Pundhak chain pindho.
After the upper body has a bit of the feeling of the armpit bag!
Both elegant and feminine, more suitable with dresses.
Chanel 19
If CF is a classic in everyone’s mind, then 19 should be the cool, chic representative of Chanel chain bag ~.
It not only has a bulging diamond pattern flap bag body, the chain or thickened leather through the chain!
Bagean logam uga nggunakake desain jahitan multi-werna, kebak rincian, supaya wong aran kebak pribadine.
Dibandhingake karo CF, dawa rantai 19 bakal luwih dawa, kira-kira 53cm.
Nindakake ing siji pundhak bakal rada suwe kanggo bocah wadon sing dhuwure loro.
Nanging, kudu dicritakake manawa rantai nyandhang kulit 19 duwe bantalan pundhak kulit sing cedhak karo pundhak, lan tingkat kenyamanan nggawa wis saya apik banget.
Yen sampeyan nggawa crossbody 19, efek awak ndhuwur bakal katon luwih apik~
The bag body just falls on the top of the hip bone, which makes the backpack person’s proportions more excellent and the style very dashing.
In addition to the shoulder crossbody, 19 in the top of the bag there is a section of chain, can be used as a handbag.
Not only does it not pick up height and figure, the long chain falls naturally underneath the bag, adding a sense of flow to the bag and making it more spontaneous!
Saint Laurent Niki
When it comes to Saint Laurent, the most popular one right now is the Niki!
The soft and pleated body and the old chain are both retro and full of cool flavor.
mesthi! Uga duwe akeh penggemar lan dadi populer amarga kapasitas, kepraktisan lan sikap sing gedhe.
This time we reviewed the Niki medium size.
Rantai 53cm plus dhuwur awak tas, kanggo bocah-bocah wadon 160cm, rada ora cocog kanggo pundhak, rumangsa pusat gravitasi kabeh ditarik mudhun.
Bocah-bocah wadon sing luwih dhuwur bakal luwih apik, nanging dawa sakabèhé uga ana ing sisih dawa.
Sawise ngalih menyang crossbody, efek awak ndhuwur bakal luwih apik kanggo bocah-bocah wadon saka loro dhuwur.
But the feeling is still long, so the crossbody way is also more recommended for taller girls to try, especially in autumn and winter with thicker clothes will be better.
Kanggo bocah-bocah wadon sing beda-beda dhuwure, pundhak rantai ganda sing paling cocok!
After the upper body bag falls on the waist position, feel the waistline are pulled up, the whole person has a tendency to pull up, tall and sharp ~
Amarga chain Niki cukup dawa, iku uga bisa mbukak kunci chain pindho slanting cara bali.
The double chains crossed to lift the bag up a bit, but also like a whole look decorated with accessories, fashionable and personalized.
Versace Greca Dewi
Versace’s new Greca Goddess Maze Goddess collection this fall and winter uses Versace’s signature Greek back design.
The special shape of the chain with the harp-like bag body, looks cool and sexy!
Sakcepete sawise release saka akeh lintang wis digawa!
Ahn Yoo-jin, Jung Soo-man, Serenity
Sisih paling apik ing seri iki yaiku tas bahu rantai iki!
After measuring, the chain length of 53cm, two height of the girl on one shoulder after carrying the body, the bag is about to fall in the crotch down position.
Rantai kasebut uga dipasangake karo bagean desain kulit, nggawa rasa nyaman sing apik ~
The length of this chain, in fact, crossbody on the body effect is better!
Loro-lorone nguatake proporsi awak, ranté ing awak uga bakal katon gagah lan canggih.
In addition, this bag can also unlock another way to carry.
From the bag body inside a circle, the chain immediately shortened to 31cm, so it immediately becomes similar to the feeling of the underarm bag!
Shoulder on the body does not challenge the height, but also some retro taste ~
On top of the chain shoulder strap, this bag actually comes with a removable leather shoulder strap ~
Tali pundhak kulit bisa diatur kanthi bebas dadi rong dawa sing beda, sing bisa dadi tas crossbody bahu sing elegan lan tas underarm sing modis.
The equivalent of a pack of five back, really surprised!
Dewi Greca, koleksi paling penting saka Versace iki tiba lan mangsa, wis dadi akeh macem-macem ukuran saliyane tas Pundhak, kabeh karo desain bali Yunani kepileh.
Kaya tas nedha bengi rantai, tas kopling, dompet rantai mini …
Gaya lan efek ing awak beda-beda! Nanging kabeh iku baris banget alus lan wani. Yen sampeyan kasengsem, sampeyan bisa nggawe pilihan apik!
*Click on the image below to go to the official Versace applet!
Louis Vuitton Twist
Wis tansah felt sing Louis Vuitton chain tas ora kakehan, nyatane, ana uga gaya penting banget, iku Twist!
Especially this year after the valley Ai Ling back, this bag immediately out of the circle a lot.
Gu Aling
This time we reviewed the small size of Twist.
The chain is spliced with a wide section of leather, which can reduce the pressure on the shoulders when carried, so it is also a more comfortable and relaxed style on the body.
Nanging, ing antarane wolung tas rantai sing dideleng saiki, rantai Twist paling dawa, tekan 57cm.
Nalika digawa ing pundhak siji, awak tas tiba ing sisih pupu bocah-bocah wadon sing dhuwur loro, jelas ing sisih dawa.
Efek luwih apik sawise ngalih menyang crossbody.
Sanajan isih katon rada dawa, kanthi awak tas sing kompak, ora krasa seret, nanging nduweni rasa elegan lan apik.
But to say Twist the most perfect way to carry, or double chain single shoulder back!
Twitch chain folded into a double chain, carry the body is both decorative and very fashionable, for two height girls are very good-looking, tall and also show temperament.
Celine Triomphe
Celine’s now famous bag Triomphe series, there are also some with the chain design.
Wangun tas flap klasik kanthi kulit sing mengkilat, dihiasi karo logo Triomphe sing apik, senior, loman lan kanthi rasa retro, akurat poke kanggo jantung akeh bocah-bocah wadon modis!
Our review today is the new launch of this year’s shoulder back chain terms.
It is considered an uncompromising underarm bag, with a chain length of only 25cm.
Nanging klip tas ing ketiak ora krasa dibatasi ing kabeh, katon seger lan modis, aran malah karo jas uga bisa nindakake!
It can be said that everyone’s ideal underarm bag should have the upper body effect.
Burberry Lola Kab
Burberry Lola, which was previously introduced to you in the article, is a typical flap chain bag design ~
The brand’s signature checkered quilting with the middle TB bag buckle, the style is quite different from most of the more elegant or retro chain bags, a kind of tough temperament, very recognizable!
At the same time, as a relatively new generation of chain bags, its size, capacity and chain length, all balanced very well.
Bella Hadid
Kanggo bocah-bocah wadon 170cm, ranté 52cm ora krasa dawa banget nalika digawa liwat pundhak, kanthi tas tiba kira-kira ing kangkang ngisor.
And 160cm girls single carried up, visually will be slightly on the long side.
Nanging nalika tas crossbody bali, efek langsung apik!
Saben dina nindakake loro kanggo ketemu kepraktisan, nanging uga luwih diantrekake karo proporsi awak, banget ing baris karo nguber bocah-bocah wadon kanggo dawa chain tas crossbody.
Mesthi, rantai tas iki uga digawe desain pumpable, lempitan menyang mburi chain pindho Pundhak uga cara populer kanggo nindakake.
Sawise awak modis banget, dhukungan kotak-kotak uga nggawe tas luwih raos desain ~
Ya, tas rantai 7 sing paling populer saiki, review dina iki kanggo sampeyan ing kene ~
I believe you have found that in real life, the comfort of the chain and the length of the upper body, indeed very easy to affect the frequency of use of the bag, but also more or less will give the bag a different style.
Nyatane, aku nemokake manawa akeh tas ing pasar duwe masalah rantai dawa.
But the good thing is that more and more bags have a variety of ways to carry, and also through small props to make some adjustments.
Sampeyan bisa ngalih menyang cara sing bener kanggo nindakake miturut macem-macem kesempatan, gaya utawa swasana ati, lan ana luwih akeh kemungkinan kanggo gaya.
Tas replika blanja Saiki:
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