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Louis Vuitton M68746 Dauphine 18.5cm top quality replica bag (2022 updated)
This Louis Vuitton Dauphine is made of two types of canvas, Monogram and Monogram Reverse, and this patchwork design is very vintage. This high quality replica bag has a locking closure that makes it very easy to access things. This bag has the letters “LV” engraved on the clasp, which is very recognizable to the brand. The bag is rectangular in shape and although it is not very large, it has a very good capacity to hold all your daily needs, whether it is for commuting or traveling. The bag comes with a detachable chain shoulder strap, which can be carried by hand or as an underarm bag, making it a very stylish bag to buy.
크기 : 18.5 X 12 X 5 cm
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