- 06
- Mar
Dior Caro 최고 품질의 레플리카 가방(2022년 최신작)
The new exemplary Dior Caro bag is carefully crafted from cowhide, a material that is very soft and comfortable to the touch. This high-quality replica bag features quilted detailing in the signature rattan check stitching. The flap is adorned with a vintage gold-finish metal “CD” clasp inspired by the closure of a perfume bottle. It comes with a detachable signature “CD” chain link shoulder strap, which can also be replaced with an embroidered wide shoulder strap for a more elegant and stylish look. The back of the bag is emblazoned with the words “30 MONTAICNE”, making it very recognizable to the brand.
크기 : 28x17x9cm
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