GELO ŞEBAG HEQÊ WÊ YE? | CHRISTIAN DIOR BIÇÛK TOTE (Unboxing + Nirxandina Dilsoz) | Tişta luksê ya erzan (2022 ya herî dawî)



GELO ŞEBAG HEQÊ WÊ YE? | CHRISTIAN DIOR BIÇÛK TOTE (Unboxing + Nirxandina Dilsoz) | Tişta luksê ya erzan (2022 ya herî dawî)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton Bag Online Store, Replica designer bag ru




datluu dutt

1 month ago

Min texmîn nedikir ku qalîteya çenteyê Book Tote ya #Shebag a li Diorê ew qas baş be!



Şanslı BS

Şanslı BS

mehan 3 ago

The Dior Book tote is a beautiful design, I have already purchased one from #shebag company and it feels great!



Lizzie Dixie

Lizzie Dixie

mehan 4 ago

Bi tevahî bi ya ku we got razî ye. Tu dikî. Em jiyana xwe ji bo yên xwe dijîn ne ji bo yên din an jî kêfa yên din. Di karanîna nûneran de tiştek xelet tune, ew bi pêbaweriya wê ve girêdayî ye! Ji vîdyoyên xwe hez bikin!



Fatima perez

Fatima perez

mehan 4 ago

After watching your other video, I decided to buy the Chanel bag and I’m very happy with my decision ,the bag is of very good quality. Also I used your coupon,Rose thank you very much.


Rose Mun



الجلاد حمزة

الجلاد حمزة

mehan 3 ago

Gelek spas Rose, ev cara yekem e ku min vîdyoyek vekolînê dibînim ku çenteyek ne baş dinirxîne ji ber ku her kes diaxive ka qalîteya çenteyê xwe çiqasî baş e, lê tenê hûn ê bi bêzarî destnîşan bikin ka çi ye di derbarê vê çenteyê de ne bêkêmasî ye!



Mandy Crompton

Mandy Crompton

mehan 4 ago

Min çenteya xwe ya Chanel girt û bi wê pir kêfxweş bûm. Spas dikim Gulê.


Rose Mun


Pro Kanal

Pro Kanal

mehan 2 ago

The quality of this bag looks great and the logo embroidery part is high quality, thank you for the 10% off coupon, Rose10 is still available and I’ve purchased multiple bags from Shebag!


JohannaBT N

JohannaBT N

4 meh berê (guherî)

I am not typically a commenter. but i’m thankful for finding u and ur video. You do you, you can’t make the every human in the world happy like you said. Thanks to you i got my supper amazing quality Chanel bag without feeling guilty with my credit card and my family

PS: ew bi awayê dravdanê re viberek berbiçav bû mîna ku Rose got ji ber ku Wise bi hêsanî qerta krediyê pêvajo nake tenê qerta min a debîtê qebûl dike. Lê oh min, tevahiya pêvajoyê ji bo min tam 18 rojan digire û çent di dawiyê de hat. û ez bi rastî ji ezmûna xweya çenteyê 1: 1 ya bi vê firoşkarê taybet re pir kêfxweş bûm


Rose Mun




mehan 3 ago

Min şîreta we girt û çenteyê Chanel CF ji Shebag kirî, ecêb e ku min 20% dakêşana bikar anî û bi aqilmendî drav kir, ew ji min re hêsan bû!





mehan 3 ago

Ez demek dirêj li vê çenteyê temaşe dikim, li gelek vîdyoyên ceribandinê digerim, û di dawiyê de biryar da ku ez wê ji shebag bikirim, nemaze ji ber ku ev pargîdanî profesyoneltir e.


Kishan Varma

Kishan Varma

rojan 6 ago

Spas ji bo pêşniyara we, min qediya kirîna çenteyê WOC ji Shebag, di heman demê de ji çerm, bi 100 $, min ew girt û qalîteya mezin e, spas!




mehan 3 ago

Yes, Shebag is able to provide photos and videos of the actual bag before it is shipped, which is the most important reason why I trust Shebag!


Enes Kahraman

Enes Kahraman

mehan 3 ago

Spas Gulê, ez guh didim xwe, guh nadim yên din çi dibêjin, ez ji hilberên sêwiran hez dikim, ez dikarim hilberên çenteyên replica bigirim, ez nikarim zêdetirî 1000 dolaran bidim, tiştê ku ez qezenc dikim ev e, ez dixwazim kalîteya bilind bikirim çenteyên replica, ew qas hêsan e


Almıla Özkardaş

Almıla Özkardaş

mehan 2 ago

I like the material, quality and design of this bag, thanks to your wonderful review, I have decided to buy this bag


artae rter

artae rter

mehan 2 ago

I saw the end of this video, this bag looks really cute, really like it, thanks for the recommendation, I’m in love with this bag


yusufali mustafazade

yusufali mustafazade

mehan 3 ago

Thank you for your seriousness and truthfulness, this bag is sponsored by Shebag, the logo part is not perfect, you also pointed it out, which makes me trust your review and judgment even more!


Oyun Kralı

Oyun Kralı

1 month ago

Ev çenteya piçûk a Dior tam bi qasî ya rastîn e, pir xweş e, min berê yek kirî, karûbarê xwerûkirinê fantastîk e, ew li bûtîkê zêdetirî 450 $ lê dike!




mehan 3 ago

The Logo embroidery part of this bag from Shebag is great, thanks for the video, at least a 10% coupon, I purchased a Chanel bag and now a Dior bag, saved a lot of $$$, hope you can review more high quality designer bags




mehan 3 ago

Ev çenteyê Pirtûka Tote ya nû ya Dior bi rastî xweş e, ji vê çenteyê hez bikin




mehan 2 ago

Min ev çente berî mehekê kirî û kupona weya Rose10 bi kar anî û gelek pere teserûf kir, spas, min ew bi kar anî, çenteyên Şirketa Shebag pir bi kalîte ne!




mehan 2 ago

Very fair and objective review, it is not easy to be objective, I feel that the quality of this bag is good, because the embroidery of the genuine product is also such


Rose Mun

Rose Mun

4 meh berê (guherî)

Disclaimer: If you get triggered easily, this video may not be for you.

Y’ALL! I messed up LMAOOOO this is the SMALL! Not the mini so the dimensions are actually correct Oops. Please excuse that part LOL

All info shall be linked in the description box should you be interested. Feel free to DM on IG if you have further questions: @iamrosannamun.

Spas ji bo hezkirin û piştgiriya we! Ez ne YouTuberek super çalak im lmaooo lê ez ê hewl bidim ku van vîdyoyên nû ji we re derxim! Bimînin

PS – I forgot to mention how much this bag would cost if you bought it on their website – $310.




resul yön

resul yön

1 month ago

Thank you for sharing, to do a review, objective and fair is very important, I think the overall quality of this bag is not bad, the price is cheap


Salma Ezz

Salma Ezz

mehan 4 ago

Min ji vê pir hez kir, ji kerema xwe bêtir vîdyoyan

Rose Mun


emre yasli

emre yasli

mehan 3 ago

I also like the size of this bag, I’ve been looking for a small Dior Book tote bag review, thanks to you, I know the best size for my bag


Mukesh Shonthalia

Mukesh Shonthalia

rojan 6 ago

Thank you for your detailed review, I have purchased this DIOR bag, of course, Chanel CF replica bags I also bought, I hope to see more introductions


Harsh Gujral

Harsh Gujral

rojan 6 ago

The small DIOR Book tote is so cute!




mehan 3 ago

I recently placed an order with Shebag for this Dior Book Tote bag in size 36.5cm and the quality is very good, no problems as you said


Muhammed Gümüş

Muhammed Gümüş

mehan 2 ago

I asked Shebag and indeed you can add your name to the back of the bag and it’s free, that’s great! A savings of $400, no, a savings of $3200!


filmler tv

filmler tv

mehan 3 ago

Bi rastî, tu çenteyek replica ne bêkêmasî ye, divê em vê rastiyê qebûl bikin!


Temiz Doğa

Temiz Doğa

mehan 3 ago

Xizmetek xweş ji Şebayê, min navê xwe li ser pişta çenteyê belaş xêz kiribû, spas ji bo referansê


Lester Lee

Lester Lee

1 month ago

Hi! This is the perfect bag, great choice and review! Do you know if the sides can be pushed out a little? I have a 30.5cm laptop (MacBook air 13) that I’d need to fit and really want to get this bag. Thanks ?


Azərbaycan qebele

Azərbaycan qebele

mehan 2 ago

I like Dior’s classic design the most, I have purchased this bag, luckily I used the coupon from your Chanel CF bag review, it is still available, Rose10 hope it will work forever


Francine Monteleon

Francine Monteleon

1 month ago

Xwezî ez hezar carî ji vê yekê hez bikim. Nêrîna we rast e!


Hanife Orhan

Hanife Orhan

1 month ago

This Dior Book Toto small bag does not look perfect, but thank you very much for pointing out the flaws as well


Ankur Joshi

Ankur Joshi

rojan 6 ago

Thank you so much, I\’ve been looking for a fair review of DIOR super fake bags, I contacted Shebag company, nice, thank you!




mehan 4 ago

Congratulations to ur new bag , I luv it ♡ &I wanna say I love you so much,& ur my inspiration I like ur videos that you made in tiktok it help me soooo much .. I’m just wanna say thank you so much for being so considerate and for keep us in the calm place ♡ and we appreciated ur efforts & hope you are doing well ?


Rose Mun


Şeyhmus mediya

Şeyhmus mediya

mehan 2 ago

4 months ago, I started to follow you and bought Chanel CF bag from Shebag company, it’s great and I’m still using it


ust İbrahim

ust İbrahim

mehan 3 ago

Spas ji bo danasîna we, çenteya piçûk a nû ya 26 cm ya Dior mezin e, tenê mezinahiya ku ez hewce dikim, bihayê rastîn pir zêde ye


Baho Bey

Baho Bey

mehan 3 ago

Except for the letter part, the quality of this bag is very good, I think I can ask Frank from Shebag to help me choose a higher quality bag


vinita jangir

vinita jangir

rojan 6 ago

DIOR bag is everywhere on the street, I love it, you are very honest, I asked Shebag company for pictures, before shipping, to make sure it is perfect, Shebag company shipped it to me


Devran Güneş

Devran Güneş

mehan 2 ago

The Dior Boot Tote is a canvas bag, but also a very stylish bag with a great design!


Parsha Ram

Parsha Ram

rojan 6 ago

Shebag is very famous in the market, I often buy, feel good, I will recommend to friends


Emre kurnaz

Emre kurnaz

mehan 3 ago

Yes, I found a lot of reviews about Shebag Company Chanel bags in your last video, most of the reviews are positive but there are also negative reviews. I had a good shopping experience with Shebag Company, the Chanel bag is very good quality and I love it!


jk YouTube tips jelhaque

jk YouTube tips jelhaque

mehan 2 ago

the Dior book tote is good, in the replica, no one is perfect, even with real bags , especially for the Dior book tote


Nr. Hirpt

Nr. Hirpt

mehan 3 ago

The quality of Chanel CF bags from Shebag is the highest, I purchased 2 times, both are very good, Dior book tote, looks great, Mini style bags are very low priced, if you use rose coupons and 10% WISE discount, the price will be around $100




mehan 4 ago

Li benda vê yekê bûn, spas Rose!


Rose Mun


HNK youtube

HNK youtube

mehan 2 ago

Agree with you, we can’t always make everyone like and satisfied, just do yourself, I think there is no problem to buy replica design bags, the price of authentic is too high, quality authentic also has quality problems, the quality of Chanel bags is decreasing, while the quality of replica bags is rising


yaren çetinkaya

yaren çetinkaya

mehan 3 ago

Shebag company is very good to repeat customers, the first bag I bought from Shebag company is Chanel CF bag, the second is Dior Book tote, it’s great, I hope you will post more videos, I hope your coupons and 10% off from Wise will continue to work!




mehan 3 ago

Regarding the pricing of the bags from Dior and Chanel, it is really incomprehensible. The Chanel leather bag, costs at least $8800, and the Dior canvas embroidered bag, costs at least $4000, I chose the high quality replica bags, especially the Chanel CF bag


Demir Alî Yavaş

Demir Alî Yavaş

mehan 3 ago

This is Dior’s latest small size bag, I think this is a great size, 26cm is the perfect length, 37cm is too big




mehan 3 ago

Yes, my Chanel bags are also shipped via Fedex and it is quite fast, I can receive it in about 2-3 weeks, I am satisfied with it!




mehan 2 ago

Thank you for your introduction, among so many private sellers, I like Shebag Company the most, besides the leather material, Shebag Company’s after-sales service is very good, I like it very much


Beytullah Akıllı

Beytullah Akıllı

weeks 3 ago

Ev pirtûka piçûk a Pirtûka pir xweşik e!


Maii Vang

Maii Vang

mehan 4 ago

Min li nirxandina çenteya Chanel ya we mîna 1000x temaşe kir û ji xwe re yek kirî


Rose Mun





mehan 3 ago

Shebag is the only replica bag company I’ve seen that publishes detailed authentic and fake bag identification techniques, it looks very professional


Lamara Akyüz

Lamara Akyüz

1 month ago

Dior Book Tote’s newest small size bag was launched in spring 2022, and Shebag’s replica speed is fast




mehan 3 ago

Ez jî ji vê çenteyê pir hez dikim, ew bi rastî xweşik e û ez dixwazim yek bikirim, çenteya torê ya rastîn a Dior Book ji 3000 dolaran derbas bûye û ev tenê çenteyek xemilî ye, ne çenteyek çerm! Ez dikarim çenteyê Chanel CF ji Shebag bikirim


Berke Kamalı

Berke Kamalı

mehan 3 ago

Totally agree with you, I have a question, why should I make everyone happy? This will surely consume your own strength completely, but still some people will be unhappy. Even Chanel company can’t make sure that all customers are happy, because Chanel company’s authentic bags, many times, are not of good quality


Alara ?‍♀️

Alara ?‍♀️

1 month ago

Dior book tote, very elegant bag, I’ve already purchased one, nice!


Railey Richardson

Railey Richardson

mehan 2 ago

They have the mini book tote on their website that is rectangle and has the more C-shaped handle on their $99 buy tab. I think you chose the wrong bag and are comparing it inaccurately.


Kənan Kamilov

Kənan Kamilov

mehan 3 ago

At the moment, it seems that only Shebag company, has free embroidery service, thank you for the recommendation. At Dior genuine counter, it’s not a matter of $400, but the counter is out of stock and can’t provide the bag, the embroidery service takes a long time to wait, incomprehensible and unbearable


Ugur Td012

Ugur Td012

mehan 3 ago

Always support you Rose, because it is easy to make accusations, but it is not easy to make videos, you have helped me a lot, I also bought high quality Chanel bags from Shebag company, without your videos I might have been scammed!


Maraşlı TV

Maraşlı TV

mehan 3 ago

Buying authentic Dior Book Tote bags would definitely hurt my bank account, and I won’t do it


Team X OP

Team X OP

mehan 2 ago

Keça Sunny, ez ji te hez dikim, min berê çenteya Chanel a pargîdaniya Shebag ferman da, bi rastî baş, spas


Brenda GSG

Brenda GSG

mehan 4 ago

Can’t wait for your upcoming videos!


Rose Mun


Hasmet Canyakar

Hasmet Canyakar

mehan 3 ago

Thank you for your professional and honest and fair review, I have decided to buy this bag, however, I can’t find the link to buy it from Shebag? Can you please send me the link?


Korece Öğreniyorum

Korece Öğreniyorum

mehan 2 ago

Rihanna is a superstar and it was seeing her use this bag that I also purchased this bag at a Dior counter, which cost me almost a month’s salary and was heartbreaking


Vitto kington

Vitto kington

mehan 3 ago

Hello Rose, your review is fair, Shebag’s CF bag is really good, this Dior Book Tote bag looks average quality


Vishakha Barswal

Vishakha Barswal

mehan 2 ago

Hi, Rose, I never comment on youtube, I love you, you are with our side, the affordable cheap Chanel bags


Furkan Kaya

Furkan Kaya

mehan 2 ago

This Dior Book Toto small bag does not look perfect, but I also know that the replica bags are not perfect, the quality has been good, I finally chose Chanel CF bags, using your coupon Rose10


selinay yılmaz

selinay yılmaz

mehan 3 ago

Wow, the box of Dior Book tote is beautiful, I like this box very much, please tell me if this box is exactly the same as the authentic one?


İsmail Demirci FN fan

İsmail Demirci FN fan

1 month ago

In fact, Shebag’s most famous bag is Chanel, the classic mouth cover bag, every girl must buy a


Batuhan Yılmaz

Batuhan Yılmaz

mehan 3 ago

Zêdetirî 5 sal in ku ez çenteyên replica dikirim, hindik firoşkar karûbarê xwerûkirinê, nemaze karûbarê xwerûkirina belaş pêşkêşî dikin, ez pir jê hez dikim


Alime Uğurlu

Alime Uğurlu

mehan 3 ago

See the small internal label of this Dior replica bags, it is leather, and the genuine product remains the same, there is also a serial number on the back, very good, but the Dior letter embroidery in front, looks less than perfect




mehan 2 ago

Spas dikim! Ez li nirxandinan digerim ji bo çenteyê pirtûka piçûk a dior, ji ber ku ew nûvek e
