A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

This is the 2023 new model LV M81911 IVY bag. The Shebag factory has purchased the genuine product for a comprehensive disassembly and 1:1 replication. Below are some photos from the middle stages of our version development process, and at the end, there are also images of our warehouse inventory. The bags you previously purchased from Shebag are all packaged there, and then shipped globally via Singapore.

Only the Shebag factory can showcase such a detailed replication process! The IVY includes some hand-sewn parts, and our thread quality is also very high, imported from abroad.

If there’s any difference between the bags from the Shebag factory and those from Italian or French factories, it would be the location; the raw materials are the same. The Shebag factory employs skilled bag makers from Guangzhou, China, whose technical capabilities are on par with those from Italy and France!


A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag workshop at a glance

Shebag Chanel bags

Shebag Louis Vuitton bags

Shebag Hermes bags

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

A Glance of Shebag workshop and warehouse for Louis Vuitton new WOC IVY bags of M81911(2024 Week 10)-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru