Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth

Today, I’m showing you a comparison between the genuine and fake Chanel Classic Flap medium bags. The fake bag on the right is a typical counterfeit, while Shebag’s top-quality replica bag is very close to the authentic one in terms of leather, shape, and hardware—it won’t attract magnets.

The genuine Chanel CF bag has thick leather, sourced from the French Hass factory, with whom Chanel has had a long-standing partnership. Hass is also one of Shebag’s suppliers, and while our purchase volume is substantial, it’s certainly not as large as Chanel’s. Because our volume is smaller, we’re able to hand-pick the very best leather.

Chanel’s large purchase volumes sometimes result in the use of firmer leather for their bags, meaning the leather quality of authentic Chanel bags can vary depending on the batch.

Nevertheless, Shebag stands at the top of the replica market. Our leather and hardware suppliers know that we demand top-quality products, and we pay the highest procurement prices. Our goal is to make our replicas as close as possible to the authentic bags in quality.

If the quality of the authentic bags decreases, some of Shebag’s Chanel bags might even surpass the originals. Sometimes, workers in our Hermes workshop also make Chanel bags, especially when we discover that the leather quality exceeds our historical procurement average.

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Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru

Shebag Chanel Classic Flap Authentication Real vs Super Fake Comparison Uncover the Truth-Best Quality Fake Louis Vuitton сумка онлайн дүкөнү, Replica дизайнер сумка ru