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The hottest 13 large bags, which is the most suitable for small girls? (2023 updated)
The wind and water turn, big bags last year and fire back! They come with a dashing casual style, and very ample capacity, it can be said that the fashionability and practicality of both online, particularly attractive, Chanel 22 a bag, pulled up a big bag trend!
Large bags because of the large capacity, placing heavy objects more likely to wear deformation, coupled with the price of large designer bags is relatively high, so many fashionable women choose top quality replica bags as a substitute, in the circle of rich people, we also very much like to buy replica bags, however, they have high requirements for the quality of replica bags, Shebag company happens to focus on top quality designer bags, even if the price is not cheap. Because top quality replica bags, universal use of the highest grade of leather, and years of bag-making experience of artisans.
However, for the more petite girls, there will inevitably be concerns when buying a large bag. After all, the bag is large, carrying it may press the height, not so good to manage. So the real effect of the bag on the body, really important!
Today, we have selected the current hot 13 large bags, to help you a comprehensive review! We specifically find the height is divided into 163cm and 158cm partners to try to carry, so that we intuitively see what these bags are actually.
Chanel 22
Chanel 22 is now one of the hottest big bags, before many months are unshakable bag king list first! Large and soft bag body + classic leather through the chain, both dashing and noble, very own unique style! ~
Of the three sizes available in the 22 bag, many girls prefer the medium size. We tested and found that this size is quite easy for small girls to handle~
The length of the chain is just right, plus the bag body is relatively flat, carrying the body will not press the size, nor feel cumbersome!
Moreover, the medium size can also perfectly restore the casual and dashing strength of the wandering style hobo. The back looks relaxed and at ease, very chic!
Goyard Bohème Hobo
Bohème Hobo is also a super hot big bag! Launched in the middle of last year, it is now “hard to find a bag”…
The popular Hobo bag type + classic Goyardine old flower, both durable and particularly good, no wonder it has attracted so many fans!
This bag is currently only one size, the body length of about 42cm, belonging to the very practical size. And it is almost not picky or body shape, not to stuff too full inside, small girls carry up quite OK! When carried on one shoulder, the body of the bag falls just above the crotch position, but also to make the body proportion looks better ~
It is also worth mentioning that the weight of this bag is very light! Only about 330g. out shopping or commuting back will not have too much sense of burden, daily use is particularly smooth, reliable!
Goyard St. Louis
Speaking of Goyard, of course, we must mention the classic St. Louis!
The design is simple and easy to match, large capacity, durable materials, is the first choice of many girls commuting to business bags.
If your height is around 160cm, you can choose the PM size we are reviewing today. The dumpling-shaped tote body + short shoulder straps of the horizontal design, back can effectively enhance the waistline, showing long legs, sharp look is very suitable for small girls to carry ~
In addition, this bag switch to hand-carried also completely OK! Two height of the girl to carry the bag up, the bag and the ground still have a distance, the bottom will not drag the ground! In addition to the bag body weight is very light, the petite girl carrying is also very easy ~
Louis Vuitton Carryall
The Carryall is now a bag with superb popularity, and last month it directly took the top spot on the bag king list, so it’s clear how much girls love it now! This bag has two sizes, and we tested the slightly larger medium size this time.
The length of the bag is about 39cm, which is a moderate size in a large bag, and actually does not belong to that super large bag. But because the body is a three-dimensional silhouette design, the thickness of 15cm, carry a strong sense of weight, not too friendly to small girls.
If the bag crossbody, it will look more like a travel bag, giving a more casual and handsome feeling. But in general, small girls carrying medium Carryall is still more difficult, if you want to get, we recommend that you go to the store to personally try to carry see ~.
Dior Book Tote
Dior evergreen model Book Tote is a tote bag that many girls must get in their hearts.
The three-dimensional body design + Oblique embroidery, while practical, but also very fashionable and stylish!
This review of the classic large size, it is estimated that many girls would like to get the most size.
Although the bag itself does not look small, but because of the short handle with the two girls to hold up and do not feel too big, but also look quite an aura!
But from the comparison chart, the large Book Tote is still more suitable for girls above 160cm.
It is worth mentioning that the length of the large Book Tote carry handle is actually ok to carry on one shoulder.
In short trips or commuting, you can choose to carry the bag on the shoulder to free your hands ~
Givenchy Voyou
The Voyou, which has only recently hit the market, has already garnered the attention of many fashionable girls! The draped hobo bag type, with leather straps design, the overall feeling of casual and dashing, but also with Givenchy kind of unrestrained personality ~
This bag size is quite a lot, we tested the large and medium size respectively. First, let’s take a look at the medium size, it’s just the right size for both girls, and it’s no trouble at all to drive! Back on the body has just the right presence, like a large underarm bag, lined with people very fashionable ~
Also, the Voyou looks great when carried crossbody! Adjust the shoulder strap longer, the bag on the side, the body will become more square, there is a kind of letter carrier bag instant sense, with a little cool and handsome ~
It’s 57cm wide, plus a relatively stiff bottom, the volume is really huge, the aura is also superb! But our two models try to carry after, think they really a bit can not manage, so or recommend a higher girl to challenge ~
Saint Laurent Icare
The avant-garde and fashionable oversized bag Icare is a perfect interpretation of Saint Laurent’s natural modern coolness and a very catchy design. I guess many girls will feel a bit bad about driving it at first glance, but it’s really not! Even petite girls don’t have to worry about holding Icare.
Zoë Kravitz
Because its shoulder straps are relatively short, carry up just so the bag almost all fall on the upper body, so in fact not too pressure height. You see our two girls carrying up, not only will not feel the bag is ridiculously large, a little exaggerated shape but will set off a more slender and slender people, while the gas field is open!
If you want to be more discreet, you can also use the metal chain inside the bag to connect the two ends of the bag. icare immediately changed its face from a giant bag to a hobo-like tote bag, which looks cool and more everyday!
Chloé Woody
The shape of the literary and fresh tote bag Woody, these two years also harvested a lot of girls love. Its design is low-key and durable, but also has a fairly good practicality, belonging to the kind of bag that people like the more you use ~
This time we reviewed the large size Woody.
Its shoulder strap is the length that can easily be carried on the shoulder, so it is not very picky about the season or dress, you can carry it all year round!
However, because the Woody bag body is very square, canvas and very stiff, 160cm or less girls carrying it will still be somewhat large.
However, the good thing is that Woody has a lot of size options. Smaller girls can consider getting the medium size, back full of casual literary feel, the capacity can also be loaded down 13-inch computer, very suitable for daily commuting with ~
Bottega Veneta Andiamo
When it comes to a very popular bag this spring and summer, we have to mention BV Andiamo!
All the fashionable celebrities have been carrying it ~
The shape of this bag continues BV’s usual high class, cool style, and the thin version of the Intrecciato woven body gives it a high degree of recognition.
Andiamo currently has three sizes, we reviewed the more popular medium size.
First, let’s look at the effect of carrying it on one shoulder ~
Its shoulder strap length is 45cm, plus the bag body comes with a height of 24cm, for two small girls, will be a little too long, feel the whole person’s center of gravity are pulled down a lot.
After switching to crossbody, you can see that the upper body effect is much better!
Plus the material of the bag is relatively soft, crossbody back is quite comfortable, will not feel the bag particularly branched.
If you turn the bag into a shoulder strap to carry or hand carry, it is very suitable for both girls.
With a simple all in one look is good enough to look elegant and sharp for the whole person ~
Hermès Birkin
In addition, we also picked a few classic Hermes bags to review this time ~
The first is the large size of the Birkin 35, although not the most popular size now, but comes with a full aura, many small girls also jumped at it!
The two partners in the studio are quite OK to carry it in their hands, but also immediately have a kind of aura to enhance the effect ~
In addition, many people also like to carry the platinum bag on their hands to carry.
After the body on the more petite 158cm girls are a bit on the large side, feel Birkin 35 or more suitable for taller girls, or to the fall and winter with coats, jackets, look more model.
Hermès Kelly
The next two girls of different heights also each tried to carry Kelly 32. we tested this time is the inner seam, will look smaller than the outer seam models. The single handle design, hand-carried the most elegant, two girls can easily hold ~.
It is worth mentioning that Kelly also comes with a long leather shoulder strap.
When needed, you can carry the bag crossbody or shoulder, both to free your hands, the whole look also looks more youthful and casual.
Hermès Herbag
The last one is the Herbag that many young girls like.
We measured the 31 size, for girls under 160cm on the shoulder will be slightly longer, taller girls more suitable for the shoulder.
These two ways of carrying are fine for girls of different heights, and the upper body effect is quite good~.
You can also send it to your girlfriends around you to see together!
Which of these bags do you think works best today? What other big bags do you recommend?