- 20
- Apr
Chanel’s most popular Chanel 22 top quality replica bags (2022 updated)
Chanel’s most popular Chanel 22 top quality replica bags (2022 updated)
Oh my God! What is it about the CHANEL 22 bag that makes it so hot right out of the gate? The price is more than $8,000, the counter is still unavailable. However, the replica bag factory in Guangzhou has already started production, the price is about $500.
To say what is the hottest bag lately, CHANEL 22 is definitely the best!
Not only in the major platforms have a high degree of discussion, but also before the official release, directly on the March bag king list first, the momentum is really strong!
I have also introduced the CHANEL 22 bag to you in other articles before, and every time there are many people leave comments saying they like it.
This is not, just recently, CHANEL 22 finally officially online!
CHANEL also lived up to the expectations of the three young stars who are now popular, shot a set of super atmosphere of the advertising campaign ~
I have to say, CHANEL is worthy of CHANEL! These films are really great!
Cool and fashionable, but also full of a sense of high, but also the 22 suitable for many different occasions, different styles of feeling shot out ~.
Today we will change the angle, with the way to watch the film, to bring you a full range of experience of CHANEL 22 this bag!
The first short film, the female lead is very familiar Lily-Rose Depp!
To be honest, I watched this video several times over and over again.
Whether it’s the interpretation or the editing method, it’s sexy, free and super attitude!
The film was directed by Inez & Vinoodh
This is completely a day in the life of a young Hollywood actress, elegant, sophisticated, dashing, full of a sense of French sophistication, and CHANEL kind of very Iconic temperament.
Lily-Rose is also confident, lovely and feminine, especially charming!
Interspersed with black and white images of pop elements, and injected the film with a strong sense of youth and humor, super attitude!
And CHANEL 22 as a bag born in the Spring/Summer 2022 Haute Ready-to-wear collection, gives me the same feeling.
Bag style and personal charm blend and collide with each other, and the whole design inherits the classics while placing great emphasis on its own personality!
The first and most eye-catching thing about this bag is the soft body!
Calfskin with a sense of oil, visually a little between ordinary cowhide and oil wax leather, the overall soft, silky but not particularly delicate.
The bag does not need to be careful, it looks like there are fewer rules and regulations, more casual tune!
At the same time, 22 is also a rare leather large bag of CHANEL. Although the size is large, it does not look heavy on the body at all.
The bag hangs down along the side of the body, giving people a particularly free and spontaneous impression.
Feel with most of the previous CHANEL bags, presenting the temperament are particularly different!
Лю Вэн
The Chanel 22, however, reveals a sense of sophistication and classicism that belongs exclusively to Chanel.
It has leather through the chain, diamond pattern quilting, double C Logo, these are the iconic elements of CHANEL, but also everyone’s favorite design.
So a look is the bag from CHANEL, born with a good feeling ~
Meanwhile, on the front of the bag is a small letter logo.
As a large bag, the logo on top is not enlarged, but rather “embellished” into the form of the bag.
The logo on the body of the bag is available in both lacquer and metal!
Both give the bag recognizability and not make people feel too ostentatious.
Instead, it allows everyone to better focus on the texture and design of the bag itself.
Тэр Конг
In addition to the Logo on the front of the bag, the chain shoulder strap of CHANEL 22 is decorated with a double C logo pendant.
It looks like an old gold coin, vintage, shiny and very design.
A small Logo pendant, and immediately sublimated the bag’s sense of detail ~
After the bag on the body, the chain leads the gold coin with the body swing, free to sway around, looks particularly dynamic.
One can’t help but sigh, don’t look at this bag seems very spontaneous, unconventional, the bones still have CHANEL consistent, the pursuit of exquisite design!
Like this high value, versatile, texture and very much in place bag, daily no matter what occasion to carry, are suitable, to inject a sense of seniority with all.
As Lily-Rose Depp mentioned in her conversation with CHANEL.
“I feel like I can go anywhere with this bag! Work, walking alone, reading a book in the park, going on a date, even to the beach!”
It is worth mentioning that the CHANEL 22 is another bag named after the year after 19.
From this point alone is enough to see its importance to the brand, the status is not to be underestimated!
You know, although there are many, many CHANEL bags, but really have an official name, that is very little!
And because this bag combines classic attributes, chic design and uniqueness at the same time, I’m as excited about the future performance of the Chanel 22 bag as I am at the end of this film!
After the first film, let’s look at the second film to tell the story!
This time, the scene has shifted from LA to New York, and the main character has changed to Whitney Peak~
The film is directed by Inez & Vinoodh
Unlike the “Hollywood stars” in the first film, this film focuses on a “girl next door” in the city.
The director designed the film’s plot as a telephone voice mail, as if the protagonist is talking to himself, giving a strong sense of interaction, especially interesting!
Уитни оргил
Compared to LA, New York itself gives a very free and energetic impression, and the Brooklyn area in the film represents a very young, street side of the city.
I used to live in New York for a few years, looking at the familiar scenes and cabs, I feel that everything is close at hand, so nostalgic Oh ~
Уитни оргил
And CHANEL 22 is also like this, easily able to show the vitality and spontaneity belonging to young people, but also very adaptable to the modern lifestyle of young people!
It seems to have gotten rid of its previous reserve, and put Chanel’s rebellious, rule-breaking, very own attitude side in front of everyone!
I guess everyone also found, the film Whitney Peak chose a pink Chanel 22 bag out of the camera.
The bright pink color makes a match more eye-catching, looks sweet and cool, especially a sense of vitality!
In fact, Chanel 22 has come out with a number of different color options once it was launched this time.
Both the classic black, white, but also a playful sense of bright colors.
Can be cool, can be playful can also be gentle and introspective, feel a lot of different faces, so girls can freely show their personality!
In addition to a rich selection of colors, Chanel 22 is also very thoughtful to introduce 3 sizes, respectively small, medium and large, the size difference is actually quite obvious.
Size from left to right: small, medium, large
But then, because the bag itself is relatively soft, so no matter what size, in fact, are not very picky body.
More importantly, the capacity of the three sizes, are quite large!
In a conversation between CHANEL and Whitney Peak, she also mentioned.
“This is probably my favorite Chanel handbag to date. I really like the fully functional design and I want to carry everything in my handbag every time I go out.”
Indeed, this bag is really too loaded!
Even the smallest small size, can easily fit a 13-inch computer, and is placed vertically, horizontally, no problem, not to mention other small items that must be brought out of the house.
Everything can be stuffed into it! It is now the most loved feeling of young people ~
In addition to the good capacity, each CHANEL 22 will also come with a small Pouch, which immediately adds another point to the practicality of this bag!
The bag-in-bag design is not only good for sorting and storing small items, the small pouch can also be detached and used separately, which is really great!
And although this is a bag within a bag, its texture is unambiguous, still very comfortable to touch!
It must be said that the CHANEL 22 was so popular as soon as it was introduced, also because of its own very obvious practical attributes.
In today’s world of small bags everywhere, many people are actually looking for the perfect large bag that is good to pack, good looking and fashionable.
The appearance of CHANEL 22 can really be said to be just what everyone wants, haha!
See here, I wonder if you have already started to like the CHANEL 22?
I tell you, it is far from over! Today’s last film, the female lead is Margaret Qualley!
The film is directed by Inez & Vinoodh
To be honest, this film was beyond my imagination, I didn’t expect to see it set in the desert and in nature!
Everything was in a particularly natural, fresh and dynamic state.
Маргарет Куалли
Here, Margaret Qualley hikes, rides and plays in nature with 22 on her back.
With a bit of the girl’s natural sense of nonsense and playfulness in her words, she seems free and carefree.
Маргарет Куалли
Although the environment is very natural and rustic, it does not feel at all out of place with Chanel 22.
Perhaps as Margaret Qualley mentioned in her conversation with CHANEL.
“Virginie has always been able to create pieces that suit women and allow them to better themselves, it’s her innate ability, and the Chanel 22 bag is a perfect example of that. This handbag meets all the needs of women.”
Лю Шиши
Indeed, what is a girl’s need for a bag?
The original source is to be able to carry what you need and free your hands anytime, anywhere.
I feel that the CHANEL 22 is really like the film, back to the basics to complete its original mission as a bag ~.
This is a low-profile, good and comfortable bag that can naturally be trusted and can change with the style of the owner of the bag, without constraint.
It can be formal, elegant, honest, decent, and become a powerful assistant with various styles and occasions ~
I do not know if you have found, in this film, also appeared in the figure of the shoulder bag.
That’s right! Chanel 22 actually has a shoulder bag design!
Маргарет Куалли
The shoulder bag and the shoulder bag have almost the same appearance profile.
Not only do you have two chains to carry on your shoulder, but the brand has also made a small carry handle at the mouth of the bag, which can be turned into hand-carry mode when needed, very convenient~.
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You see this, do not think that today’s article will end?
In fact, in addition to the story of three actresses and CHANEL 22, Mr. Bag also has a little story with 22 that he wants to share with you!
Yes, I took my CHANEL 22 and completed the “20,000 steps a day” challenge!
Last week, I got up early for the first time in a long time and went out for a walk!
The first stop early in the morning was Tiantan Park! Here I breathed in the fresh air and felt the morning sunshine.
After the morning exercise, of course, it was time for my most anticipated food session, eating a hot breakfast and enjoying a good life!
In addition, this bag also has a detail is particularly good, is the bag on both sides of the button design.
Unlock the buckle, the bag contains a clear view of what, looking up something particularly convenient.
Especially for a very loaded bag itself, such details are really very touching.
And because the leather is really too smooth, so the back on the body, always want to touch it, ha ha ~ ~
Really! Just look at the picture, it is difficult to fully convey the Chanel 22 leather that delicate touch!
All in all, I feel that the CHANEL 22 is really a very smooth to use, how to match the attitude of the bag, carrying it out, feel full of trust!
Simply put, it is the first day after carrying, the next day also want to carry, ha ha ~
Such a chain down the way to carry, I also love!
Well, the new CHANEL 22, today is the first to introduce you here! Do you like the way you share this time?
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