Shocker! Authentic Designer Bags are increasing in price, but the quality is decreasing!(Super Dacob Special)

Shocker! Authentic Designer Bags are increasing in price, but the quality is decreasing!(Super Dacob Special)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

There are many interesting comments below the review.

Shebag Comment:Hi, Dacob, designer products are so overpriced that it has spawned a counterfeit market. The shipping market does have many names and iterates quickly, the highest quality bags used to be called Mirror quality, or 1:1 quality, or AAA quality, and more recently I’ve heard of 7A quality or 10A quality, and frankly the King quality level, which is the first time I’ve heard of it, and the super fakes, or the highest versions of fakes, is really what it used to be called. the Chanel 22 bag is made of fetal cowhide leather, the Spray paint process, in the summer high temperature situation, easy to stick, peeling, is indeed a more serious problem. For the production of fake bags of factories, I may have a little say, sweatshops can not produce high-quality leather goods, Guangzhou, China, has more than 30 years of experience in bag manufacturing, would have given Prada, Fendi and Celine and other brands OEM, many workers flow to replica bags factories, there are a small number of consumers who can afford the higher price, access to super-high-quality leather, there are 20 years of experience of skilled bag making workers, but most consumers are currently chasing low quality fake bags.

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