In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

There are too many low-end Chanel replica bags in the market. Most of these low-end replicas use low-quality leather, or even faux leather, low-quality glue with high formaldehyde content, and most importantly, they employ low-cost, low-skilled workers.

Guangzhou, China, is the global hub for the bag industry cluster. Why not use high-tech workers? Because of the high costs. However, Shebag insists on two principles. First, we insist on using the highest grade leather and materials. Second, we insist on hiring the most skilled and highest-paid craftsmen.

Therefore, we can produce the highest quality replica bags.

The only advantage of low-quality Chanel replica bags is their low price to attract consumers. But Shebag’s customers not only care about the price but also about the quality.

Today, Shebag will show some common Chanel bag identification points that low-quality replica bags find hard to replicate.

1. Overall Appearance and Structure

The first step in distinguishing an authentic Chanel bag from a replica is to examine its overall structure. Essentially, every part of the bag should demonstrate exceptional quality and balance.

For example:

– The flap should perfectly align with the rest of the bag and should not protrude from the sides.

– The diamonds in the quilting should have a nice puffiness—not too flat but also not overly puffy.

– The bottom/sides of the bag should evenly touch the surface without any uneven areas or imbalance.

In the image below, the bag on the left shows a deformed structure, indicating that during the cutting phase of production, the quality standard of 1:1 was not adhered to.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

Shebag’s Chanel bags typically have a much better overall structure compared to low-end replicas. You might notice that the pockets or flaps on low-end counterfeit bags are misaligned.

Shebag’s Chanel bags can stand perfectly upright and lay flat on a table. If you place a Shebag Chanel bag on a table, it will stand upright due to its sturdy and balanced structure. On the other hand, when you try to set down a low-end fake Chanel bag, it may topple over or leave gaps between the bag’s bottom and the flat surface.

In the image below, the bag on the left is a Shebag replica with a level bottom and balanced structure.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

2. Material/Leather

Shebag’s Chanel bags are made from high-quality leather and fabrics, offering excellent gloss, color, and texture.

– The lambskin is exceptionally soft and smooth.

– On the other hand, Chanel’s caviar leather, made from pebbled calfskin, is known for its distinctive “bubble” appearance and textured feel.

The image below shows lambskin and caviar leather. Shebag’s leather suppliers are from France and Italy, with the largest being the French Hass factory, which also supplies leather for Chanel bags. Low-end replica Chanel bags do not use such expensive leather. Instead, they often use domestic Chinese leather or other low-quality leather, and sometimes even PU.

Low-end leather feels cheap to the touch and has an unpleasant odor—not the characteristic fragrance of leather but the smell of formaldehyde from low-quality glue. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen and poses significant health risks, so it’s essential to avoid purchasing low-cost Chanel bags. High-quality leather has a natural, earthy leather scent, whereas fake bags may emit an unpleasant plastic or chemical odor.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

3. Hardware

The hardware on Shebag and authentic Chanel bags is of high quality, giving a sturdy and heavy feel. The chain strap on a Chanel bag should always feel weighty, and the leather woven through the chain should be flat and smooth.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

All hardware should match inside and out. From the logo and zippers to the tiny screws, they should all have the same color. The gold hardware is polished and does not have a “brassy” or overly bright yellow appearance.

The engravings on authentic Chanel metal pieces are clear, with clean grooves and consistent engraving depth. The edges and gaps of the screws fit smoothly together.

The most noticeable hardware on the bag is the iconic Chanel logo, with two interlocking gold or silver Cs. At the top of the logo, the right C overlaps the left C, while at the bottom, the right C is behind the left C. If the logo is flat or not perfectly centered both vertically and horizontally on the leather flap, the bag is likely fake.

The interior lock plate of an authentic Chanel bag may be secured with flathead screws (-) or star-shaped screws (common in newer bags). However, if you see Phillips head screws (+), it is a fake Chanel bag.

Pay special attention to small details like snap buttons, checking if the engravings are clear and the size is correct. Low-end replica Chanel bags may have zippers or clasps without any engravings, or with incorrect engravings such as mismatched fonts or depths compared to the authentic ones.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

4 Stamp

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In the past, you could usually identify fake Chanel bags by looking at the stamp – the font and engraving quality. Fake bags often had blurry, unclear stamps. However, things are no longer that simple; you really need to closely observe and pay attention to the details to determine if a bag is genuine.

If the hardware is silver, the stamping should also be silver. If it is gold, the stamping should be gold. You should also be able to see the leather texture through the stamp.

Tip: Chanel bags are only stamped with “Made in France” or “Made in Italy.” If it says “Made in Paris,” it is definitely fake.

When checking the stamp, note the following:

– The “C” in “CHANEL” should be a perfect circle with sharp angles.

– The middle bar of the “H” should slant upwards, making the top narrower and the bottom wider.

– The top of the “A” is flat, forming a triangle in the middle.

– For the “N,” the left top corner is wider than the right bottom corner (except for vintage models).

– The middle bar of the “E” is the shortest, and the bottom bar is the longest.

– The “L” forms a 90-degree angle, vertically straight up, with consistent stroke width.

– The width of “MADE IN ITALY” should match the spacing between the “H” and “E.”

Fake Chanel bags often get the font wrong on the stamp. The letter spacing may be odd, look uneven, or be hard to read.

For Shebag, we are accustomed to the highest quality silk-screen printing. The print not only has the correct letter shapes but also has indentations and a raised texture, perfectly replicating the authentic embossing process.

These methods can identify ordinary fake Chanel bags, but they are ineffective against Shebag replicas.

5. Microchip

Since April 2021, Chanel has started embedding microchips in their bags. Unlike LV chips, Chanel’s chips cannot be scanned via NFC. Sales associates (SAs) also do not have the authority to help verify the bags (they will only authenticate when you send the bag in for repair).

However, there are two things you should be aware of:

– The microchip starts with a letter followed by a mix of numbers and letters, totaling eight characters.

– Similar to the numbers on the old stickers, these numbers are unique to each item.

Note: Keep in mind that having a chip on the bag does not necessarily mean it is authentic. As brands evolve, counterfeiters also update their strategies, and fake Chanel bags with chips have already appeared on the market.

Some authentication services may magnify the chip details for inspection, but for us to observe with the naked eye, this isn’t a practical option. Feeling the texture of the chip might help. Here is some reference information:

– Double C: The inner and outer circles of the two Cs have symmetrical flat lines or recessed flat lines at the top, bottom, and center (the outer circle of the left C has a raised flat line).

– Code: The authentic font is made of curved lines, polished in a three-strand spiral manner, with clear lines from start to finish.

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

More Shebag Classic flap bag photos:

Chip Updated!Shebag Chanel medium (25cm) Classic Flap bag with gold hardware (2023 Week 43):

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru


In 2024, How to Make and spot a top-Quality 1:1 Chanel Replica Bag? (Shebag Complete Guide)-Шилдэг чанарын хуурамч Louis Vuitton цүнх онлайн дэлгүүр, Replica дизайнер цүнх ru

Chanel Bags without Microchips (Pre-2021)

Chanel bags manufactured before 2021 come with an authenticity card. As I mentioned earlier, do not rely solely on one method to verify authenticity, especially the authenticity card, as you may encounter a genuine card paired with a fake bag. Therefore, this method should only be used as a backup.

Card: A genuine card appears natural under light and does not produce the rainbow reflection seen on fake cards.

Border: The gold border is recessed and textured due to a special manufacturing process. If it looks printed or easily scratches off, it is fake.

Numbers: The numbers on a genuine card are specifically designed by the brand. For instance, the number “5” will show a noticeable difference.

Letters: The last word in the second line, “quality,” should have each letter clearly defined on a genuine card, with “ty” connected.

Edge: If you run your finger along the right edge of a genuine card, you should feel a slight bump.

Nowadays, Chanel rarely uses cards, keeping them only in some wallets, as most items have transitioned to using microchips.
