- 27
- Feb
Shebag fully handmade Hermes Picotin 22 bag in cream white togo leather review silver (2025 Feb updated)
Today, we are showcasing our factory’s handcrafted replica of the Hermès Picotin 22 bag with silver-tone hardware, also made from off-white Togo leather. It is almost identical to the bag we displayed yesterday, but the details we captured in today’s photos are different.
No other factory takes such meticulous photos. This is because Shebag insists on shooting hundreds of detailed images for each bag model, ensuring our uncompromising pursuit of details, craftsmanship, and top-tier materials. We are committed to using premium leather and the finest bag-making techniques.
Even authentic luxury bags do not have such detailed photos, as their quality is generally guaranteed. However, if an authentic bag does have quality issues, returning or exchanging it at a boutique is not easy. These bags often require a purchase quota, making them difficult to buy in the first place. As a result, hardly any customers return or exchange them.
For replica bags, however, quality must be consistently high. The replica market is highly competitive and chaotic, but Shebag’s commitment to quality first has earned customer trust for over a decade, allowing us to stand firm in the industry.