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- Jan
GUCCI Dionysus Super Mini Best quality replica bag (2022 updated)
GUCCI Dionysus Super Mini Best quality replica bag is finally in stock! This Gucci bag is a bag named after Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology, and one of Gucci’s most iconic bags. The design elements of the bag are almost all derived from the mythical story of Dionysus, the god of wine. Dionysus, the god of wine, was the illegitimate son of Zeus in Greek mythology, in charge of the secrets of nature and the art of winemaking; in order to escape from Zeus’ wife, Hera, the god of wine fled the country and rode a tiger across the river to escape the disaster – the mouth of the Gucci Wine God bag is a horseshoe-shaped buckle made up of two small tiger heads. From the god of wine this story. Since the introduction of the GUCCI Dionysus, deeply loved by thousands of girls to follow.
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