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Dior Book Tote best quality replica bags (2022 latest)
Inspired by Maria Grazia Chiuri, the creative director of women’s wear, this Book Tote handbag is a staple that embodies the Dior aesthetic. This high-quality replica bag is one of Dior’s most popular bags. The body of this bag is made of cream fabric and is decorated with multicolored Cupidon embroidery, inspired by Greek culture, for a romantic appeal. It can be used to store various daily necessities. The front is adorned with the “CHRISTIAN DIOR” logo, reflecting Dior’s iconic craftsmanship, and can be carried by hand or on the shoulder.
Medium size: 36.5x28x14cm
Large size: 41.5x35x17cm
Kiliki iinei e fa’atau ai taga Louis Vuitton sili ona lelei

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