- 21
- May
Shebag Chanel Classic flap bag new colors in stock (2024 May updated)
Shebag recently received a batch of leather from the Hass Tannery in France, which is of higher-than-average quality. Just as there are variations in the quality of leather used for authentic Chanel bags, Shebag also sources its leather from suppliers. Both Shebag’s top-tier replica bags and genuine Chanel bags use leather from the Hass Tannery in France, ensuring identical quality. Therefore, the quality of Shebag’s top-tier replica bags this time is above Shebag’s average level and also surpasses the average quality of authentic Chanel bags.
To purchase genuine bags of top-level quality, one needs to frequently visit boutiques and maintain a good relationship with Chanel sales associates. This batch of calf leather is used to make Chanel 22 bags, while caviar leather and lambskin are used for Chanel’s classic flap bags and the Trendy CC bags.
The bags displayed below are 25cm, but we also have 23cm versions. The 23cm and 25cm sizes are standard, and the colors black, white, gray, and beige are regular colors that we have in stock year-round. Both caviar leather and lambskin options are available.Hardware color is gold,silver and Champagne gold.
This is Caviar Red:
This is caviar black:
This is lambskin deep blue:
This is lambskin beige:
This is lambskin sky blue:
This is lambskin wine red:
This is caviar leather pink: