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Kantong desainer réplika Gucci anu pang populerna – Gucci Bamboo 1947 (édisi énggal 2022)
Recently there is a replica designer bags very popular, quite some It bag stand! The counter price is high, but also can not buy, so many ladies choose to mésér kantong réplika kualitas pangluhurna.
It is – Gucci Bamboo 1947! The raging look, simply want people to call it super – Gucci – bamboo bag ~
Naha jadi? Tingali gambar ieu, dulur!
That’s right, the fashion world’s most famous Gucci bamboo bag, with the name Bamboo 1947, officially returned this year!
Sigana mah anjeun tiasa ningali tina nami, kantong ieu lahir taun 1947.
Tapi urang wawuh jeung Horsebit 1955, Jackie 1961 sajarah malah leuwih kolot ~
Photographer: Liu Xiangyu
Kantong ieu tiasa ku kuring disebat “Kantong Super-Gucci-Awi”, ngan ku sajarah panjang henteu cekap ~
Since the birth of this bag, several generations of celebrities have been fans of the bamboo bag. The bamboo bag also has the reputation of being the first ever It Bag!
Its popularity also established the important position of bamboo in Gucci and became a very Iconic element in the fashion world.
Kantong Bambu dina kampanye gambar Gucci taun 1991
Ayeuna di handapeun kapamimpinan sutradara kreatif Alessandro Michele, Gucci Bamboo 1947 inherits katingal tina kantong Awi aslina tur datang ka anjeun dina formulir anyar.
Bentuk flap anu buleud, tilu diménsi sareng gagang awi masihan kesan klasik anu ngalangkungan waktos.
Photographs by Suzanne Saroff
Teu kacaturkeun batur, kuring teu bisaeun tapi hayang meuli sorangan, tas ieu ayeuna di luhur daptar birahi! Utamana ka mésér kantong réplika!
Why I love this bag so much! Let me give you a good explanation ~
Anu mimiti! Nalika urang mimiti ngagaduhan kantong ieu, parasaan anu paling intuitif nyaéta yén karajinan tina kantong éta saé pisan!
Smooth cow leather, superb hardware and so on, it is indeed a multi-step process that led to the Bamboo 1947 we finally see.
Kuring kudu ngomong, kantong ieu sampurna ngagambarkeun pesona karajinan Italia. Kanyataanna, éta pabrik tas replika in Guangzhou, China can do the same!
Utamana cecekelan awi, sanggeus prosés husus kasampak super textured, nyekel dina leungeun ogé gelar nyaman pinuh ku titik.
And bamboo handle from natural bamboo, the details will be more or less the same, so it also gives each bag a unique meaning.
Saha waé anu kantos terang kantong awi sunda kedah terang yén éta asalna kusabab kendala bahan yén urang sunda ngagunakeun awi pikeun ngadamel gagang kantong.
Tapi ku kamekaran merek, unsur awi parantos janten simbol ikonik tina Gucci, tina tas, sapatu dugi ka asesoris, anjeun tiasa ningali tapak awi.
Salah sahiji anu pang ngawakilan tangtosna masih keneh Gucci Bambu 1947, anu tiasa disebatkeun janten salah sahiji gambar klasik urang Sunda anu paling kentel sareng representatif.
Sanajan awak tas teu boga logo, tapi aya loba katresna nu teu nyaho loba ngeunaan kantong, tapi ogé nyaho yén ieu téh tina kantong urang Gucci!
Salian gagang awi, Bambu 1947 dihias ku konci cangreud awi dina tutupna.
It echoes the handle, while the bamboo section’s inherent oriental qualities give the bag a unique blend of East and West.
To be honest, Gucci Bamboo 1947 such super classic models, there will be absolutely no problem of what is out of date but not out of fashion.
Bamboo bag unique Zen and artistic sense, not only on the body back looks retro and temperament, alone in their own bag cabinet, are looking very powerful collection!
As a super classic model, Gucci Bamboo 1947 this return lineup can be very powerful!
Salian sababaraha model landasan anu dirarancang unik, raray paling klasik tina kantong Awi diluncurkeun dina total tilu ukuran anu tiasa dipilih.
The most special, should be the first launch of the mini model. It’s also my favorite!!!
This size retains Gucci’s vintage rhythm, but the smaller bag looks a little more cute and playful.
Photographs by Cho Gi-Seok
Henteu ngan éta matak pikaresepeun, tapi ogé praktis!
Although its size is a mini model, it actually has some capacity.
It can actually hold the usual powder and lipstick, as well as a small phone.
Henteu ngan éta, kantong ogé hadir sareng dua tali taktak panjang anu béda pisan!
Kahiji nyaéta tali taktak kulit pinuh, desain panjangna adjustable, bisa minuhan kaperluan béda katresna sadaya jangkung.
Kahiji nyaéta tali taktak kulit pinuh, desain panjangna adjustable, bisa minuhan kaperluan béda katresna sadaya jangkung. Saatos awak duanana Gucci sorangan nada retro, elegan jeung teu leungit rasa nonoman, tapi ogé pikeun ngosongkeun leungeun, pohara merenah.
Song Jia
The other one is Gucci’s classic red and green striped woven wide shoulder straps.
The red and green coloring on the body instantly enhances the vintage texture, and at the same time reveals a little bit of cool flavor.
Desain tali lega bisa kalayan gampang ngurangan tekanan taktak, biasana kaluar balanja sanajan mawa lila moal ngarasa capé.
If you like to use a small bag as a match, or if you are a petite girl, then this mini model is perfect.
It has just the right kind of embellishment and a young and classy feel to it.
Ruth Zhao
Another important point is that this mini model feels like good value for money!
As a classic Gucci classic, there are crafts like bamboo sections, Mini bamboo bag pricing but in the 2W head, in the current bag world is really rare.
If you want a cost effective “super classic” now, then this bag is definitely a good choice!
Reference price: 3900 USD (black); 3800 USD (other colors)
Replica bag price:300 USD, sagala warna
Upami anjeun peryogi langkung seueur kapasitas, tingali ukuranana leutik.
This size is just the right size and has a more classic look overall.
Dibandingkeun sareng model mini, kapasitasna sacara alami langkung saé.
It can easily hold large cell phones, wallets, powders, and other items that you would normally carry!
Henteu ngan éta, interior kantong ieu, sajaba spasi utama, aya dua kantong patch dina dua sisi, sarta pohara gampang ngagunakeun pikeun perencanaan!
Salah sahiji kantong patch, ogé hadir kalawan eunteung leutik complimentary! Éta ogé nambihan seueur perbaikan sareng kecanggihan kana kantong ieu.
Pertama kali kuring meunang eta, Kuring bener ngarasa rada reuwas!
Penampilan sakabéh ukuran leutik bakal leuwih tenang jeung atmosfir.
Bawa up kalawan temperament awéwé elegan, naha éta pikeun pamakéan sapopoé atawa saeutik pakéan nepi, hadir kasempetan leuwih formal cocog pisan!
Ni Ni
You can also add long straps when needed and choose one shoulder or crossbody.
It also comes with two straps, bringing more style to the outfit and is very malleable.
Reference price: 4300 USD(black); 4200 CNY (other colors)
Replica bag best quality price: 300 USD
Finally there is a medium size.
Its size is not very exaggerated, just a little larger than the small size.
But also because of the change in size, this Size is more imposing to carry, especially for taller girls.
Reference price: 5400 USD (black)
Lineup kuat kantong awi henteu ngan dina tilu ukuran, kantong ieu ngan kaluar teu lila sanggeus peluncuran loba kelir sakaligus.
Classic versatile colors and brighter colors are available ~
Di antarana, Jigana bodas pisan nice.
Warna padet beresih jeung cecekelan awi warna kai aslina, retro kalawan sababaraha seger, atmosfir hipu, ngarasa euweuh urusan kumaha cocog eta pisan luyu.
Kawas gaya poék bisa kasampak di hideung.
From the leather to the hardware are black so black design! There is a kind of attraction that makes people want to explore, especially tempting.
Mainly, this bag is really cool and special!
The incorporation unsur awi sublimates harti tiis, sarta teu ngan kasampak ganteng dina awak, éta ogé nembongkeun saeutik misteri jeung vintage.
Song Yanfei
Jeung hideung ieu salian katresna deui, budak deui ogé utamana lumrah.
I just love this black color myself!
The all-black body makes the super classic Gucci bamboo bag so cool and attitudinal, not only chic, but a very different collection!
Upami anjeun hoyong ngan ukur awi paling klasik 1947, tingali dina warna coklat.
Kuring kudu ngomong, warna coklat boga fit alam jeung cecekelan awi, sampurna reflecting aksen vintage tina kantong awi.
Salaku warna bumi klasik, coklat ngagaduhan fleksibilitas anu unik.
Bisa jadi duanana retro na glamorous, elegan jeung sensual, kitu ogé kasual tur spontan, euweuh urusan naon gaya na sagala umur luyu.
Upami anjeun hoyong skéma warna anu langkung meriah, anjeun tiasa museurkeun utamina dina ukuran mini anu paling warni, kalayan koneng, biru, pink sareng seueur deui anu tiasa dipilih!
Kuring pribadi resep pink pangalusna waktos ieu, pisan lucu tur teu gaudy, utamana pangalusna ukuran mini!
Kusabab kantong leutik pisan, sanajan éta warna caang jeung teu pisan panon-catching, tapi ngan embellishment katuhu nyaéta finish touch dina collocation nu.
Well, the return of the dominant Gucci Bamboo 1947, today is the first to introduce you here! Which color and size do you like best?
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