- 18
- Jan
Dior Montaigne Mini top quality replica bag (2022 updated)
Dior Montaigne Mini top quality replica bag is really too cute! This bag is carefully made of cowhide leather, the shape of adhering to the elegant and subtle style of the main store at 30 Avenue Montaigne, outside the brand founder Christian Dior initials “CD” as the most eye-catching design highlights, which 30 Montaigne to embossed lettering, corresponding to the eye-catching oversized metal buckle, creating a unique and timeless style. It creates a unique and timeless style. This detail is what I like most about the design. The perfect “CD” clasp has a very classic quality. Size: 15 x 11 x 4 cm.
購物復刻包 現在:
$19 購買高品質 Replica Designer 錢包或卡夾(每個賬戶僅 1 件)