- 05
- Feb
Louis Vuitton BYTHEPOOL M80504 blue top quality replica bag (2022 updated)
This Louis Vuitton BYTHEPOOL M80504 is made of soft leather and feels very comfortable to the touch. It is decorated with Monogram embossed cream leather with Monogram floral embellishment, giving it a stylish look. This high quality replica bag is light blue and very refreshing. It has the initials “LV” printed on the body, making it very recognizable. This bag has a zipper closure for easy access to items. The size of the bag is small, but it can hold all the toiletries you need.
Ubukhulu: 25x20x5.5cm
Cofa apha ukuze uthenge ireplica esemgangathweni yeebhegi zikaLouis Vuitton

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