- 04
- Mar
Dior Bobby best quality replica bags (2022 updated)
Bobby is one of Dior’s most popular bags. This bag is designed with glossy cowhide, which is very soft to the touch and feels very good. The color of this high quality replica bags is blue, showing elegance and fashion, decorated with vintage gold hardware to enhance the style, the material of cowhide gives a sense of luxury and infinite quality, highlighting the elegant silhouette and coordinated proportions. This bag uses a magnet suction clasp opening and closing method, very convenient to pick up things. With a removable, adjustable shoulder strap, it can be carried over the shoulder, crossbody or handheld, and looks great no matter which way you carry it.
Kekere: 18x14x5cm
Medium: 22x17x6cm
Nla: 27× 19.5x8cm
Tẹ ibi lati ra awọn baagi Louis Vuitton didara didara julọ
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$19 Ra Apamọwọ Apẹrẹ Ẹda Didara Giga tabi dimu kaadi (ege kan nikan fun akọọlẹ kọọkan)