- 18
- Feb
Louis Vuitton LOOP M81098 Best quality replica bag (2022 updated)
This Louis Vuitton LOOP is designed with Monogram coated canvas and cowhide trim, and the canvas jacquard is the most classic pattern. The body of the bag is printed with the letters “LV”, which is very recognizable to the brand. This high quality replica bag follows the half-moon silhouette of the previously designed Croissant, but the two sides of the Loop become crescent-shaped, which is relatively sharper and more individual. It comes with two kinds of shoulder straps, leather and chain, both of which are removable. In fact, there is no need to disassemble, leather and metal combination of a piece of quite harmonious, hanging down on the surface of the bag chain, more like a bag charm, adding a touch of wild atmosphere. Very modern.
Ubukhulu: 23x13x6cm
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