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Vepamusoro gumi nevaviri vakakodzera kutenga emhando yepamusoro replica dhizaini mabhegi (12 update)
Kutenga emhando yepamusoro replica mabhegi nguva dzose hachisi chinhu chiri nyore kuita. Izvi zvinodaro nekuti mafekitori anofananidzira haagadzirise ese mabhegi masitayipi, asi chete kuteedzera kwemabhegi akakurumbira uye mavara. Mabhegi chete ane kugadzirwa kwakakura ari nyore kudzikamisa mhando uye mutengo hauzove wakakwira nekuda kwekukwikwidza pakati pemafekitori akasiyana.
Naizvozvo, Louis Vuitton ndiyo inonyanya kukosha mabhegi emhando yepamusoro kutenga nekuda kweakawanda emhando dzemhando yepamusoro. Asi pamusoro peLouis Vuitton, mamwe emhando yepamusoro replica designer mabhegi akakoshawo kutenga nekuti mutengo wakaderera kwazvo, unowanikwa nekukurumidza, uye mhando yacho yakanaka kwazvo.
Spring yasvika, uye yakagamuchira vanhu vazhinji kuti vabvunze: munguva pfupi yapfuura tenga bhegi ripi rakanaka ah? Iwe hautaure, munguva pfupi yapfuura iwo makuru mabhureki ane simba kwazvo!
There are many new bags that are worth seeing and buying!
Kurudziro dzanhasi dzinosanganisira zvakasiyana siyana zvinodiwa kuti utenge bhegi, ine mari uye inoshanda, inotonhorera uye inobata maziso, inoyevedza uye inoyevedza …
Louis Vuitton
Kubva chikamu chechipiri chegore rapera, Louis Vuitton, uyo anga akanyarara kwekanguva, akangoerekana ava muchina wekugadzira pop-up zvakare uye akaburitsa mabhegi akawanda anozivikanwa ane mitengo yakanaka uye inoshanda mumutsara.
Iyo yazvino uye yakakurumbira bhegi ndiro Diane!
Haina kunyanyokurisa, isiri diki muviri, ine tambo refu yepafudzi, yava kufarirwa zvakanyanya kureba muhapwa mabhegi.
Dzvanya apa kuti utenge emhando yepamusoro replica Louis Vuitton mabhegi
As a classic pattern bag, it comes with classic elements; the flap + corner leather adds a vintage and cute detail to this bag, which is particularly pleasing!
Zvakakodzera kuti titaure kuti Diane anouyawo netambo yakarukwa yakafara pabendekete, inodhura mari inosvika chiuru chemadhora kutenga ega. Saka vanhu vazhinji vanofunga kuti bhegi iri rinokosha mutengo we $1,000!
Reference price: $2600
Chikuru ndechekuti bhegi iri harinawo diki sebhegi remuhapwa rakajairwa.
Muviri wepamusoro hauna kurema kana kurema, asi panguva imwechete unovimbisa kuita, pamwe neiyo yakanaka mutengo poindi, zvakaoma chaizvo kusada!
If you have the same budget of around $2,500 but want an all leather bag, check out the Buci! This bag is also a big hit for Louis Vuitton these days.
It is actually similar to Diane, both are just the right size underarm bag shape. The difference is that Buci’s bag body is made of Epi water ripple material.
Iyo LV logo yekumberi yakakura, asi yakafanana dhizaini haina kunyanya kukwirisa-mbiri. Iyo inonyanya kukodzera kune avo vasikana vasingafarire classic Louis Vuitton pateni.
Not only is the face pleasing, but the Buci’s practicality is also very online!
Chokutanga pane zvose, Epi yeganda inoratidzira, inogara ichizivikanwa nokuda kwekugara kwayo uye kureruka.
Panguva imwecheteyo, bhegi iri rinewo bhandi repafudzi rinogadziriswa, saka haufanirwe kudzokera kumashure kuti uchinje bhandi remafudzi, unongoda kugadzirisa bhegi rakavanzwa kuti uchinje kubva mubhegi rezasi kuenda kubhegi remuchinjiko, rinova. zvakanakira chaizvo!
Reference price: $2800
Iyo yemhando yepamusoro Lady Dior bhegi iyo munhu wese anoziva nayo ichangobva kuwedzerwa kune iyo rondedzero! Ndiyo Mudzimai mutsva D-Joy kubva muunganidzwa wekutanga kwechirimo 2022!
The horizontal version of the East-West shape, looks more slender, dry, giving people a new feeling!
Uye mune dhizaini yekutarisa dhizaini, ichine yemhando yepamusoro, inoyevedza yeLady Dior. Muviri wepamusoro unotaridzika ese Dior’s pfungwa yekunaka, yakakosha mhando yebhegi uye tarisa yakakosha maitiro!
Sun Yihan, Xia Meng
Kwete izvozvo chete, Lady D-Joy anogona kunzi budiriro yakazara yevadzidzi vakanyanya, tisingataure kukosha kwepamusoro kwechiso, kuita kwakanaka zvakare kwakanaka. Kunyangwe iyo nzira yekumashure yakakwidziridzwa panguva imwe chete!
In addition to the handle, it also comes with two shoulder straps of different lengths, which can be carried crossbody, or elegantly underarm ~
Uye sebhegi idzva, Mukadzi D-Joy achiri kunyatsosarudza. Mukuwedzera kune yekare yematehwe emakwai, kune akawanda akasiyana masitaera.
Kufanana nechena, muviri webhegi unonyanya kushandisa tekinoroji machira, achibata iyo puffy yakanyanyisa elastic, ichiratidza kunzwa kuzere kwekufamba.
Reference price: $3200
Consistently receiving rave reviews is this diamond-shaped cut Lady D-Joy.
Iyo iconic muzambiringa yekutarisa pateni yakashandurwa kuita geometric shapes, yakasanganiswa neiyo-yese-dema so black color scheme, inooneka yakabva yatotonhorera ipapo. Kungobata ruoko kune aura, uye kune mhando yekutarisa, inopenya nyeredzi modhi!
Reference price: $5000
Kana iwe uchida kutaura nezve chii chinopisa chinhu gore rino, chinofanira kunge chiri tannin! Ndiri kuona kuti mhando dzakawanda dziri kutangisa denim bag modhi.
Like a while ago the super popular Chanel denim gold ball, gold ball + tannin material these two popular combinations, simply a package is hard to find!
Reference price: $5500
Muchirimo che2022 preview collection, Chanel yakatanga imwe nhamba huru yemabhegi ane tannin dhizaini.
The difference is that the denim is written with colorful Chanel graffiti, full of unrestrained, cool and young feeling, quite a bit of hippie taste.
Like this small Flap Bag, embellished with color in the body of the bag especially spring and summer!
Nekutaridzika kweiyo classic flap bhegi, mutengo uchiri mukati memadhora zviuru zvishanu, saka vasikana vazhinji vachiri paziso!
Reference price: $4700
Not only blue denim is hot, but black denim is also very popular this year!
Chanel iyi bhegi dema denim flap, saizi kupfuura yekupedzisira yebhuruu modhi yakakura zvishoma, crossbody ine kutonhorera kwekunzwa.
Although the denim bag is often launched by Chanel design, but the black tannin is still quite rare, if you like it, you can take advantage of this opportunity to see ~
Reference price: $5500
Also from the Spring/Summer 2022 preview collection, there is a small shoulder bag!
Iyo ine yemhando yepamusoro, yakapusa kumeso seCF, ine yakakosha dhizaini yegoridhe simbi, uye rudzi rwekare kuravira, ichipa vanhu kunaka asi kusiri kwemaune kunzwa.
And this bag practicality is very good, capacity to put down a large phone, small bottles of water are very easy! Usually always want to see the shoulder bag students, you can take a good look ~
Reference mutengo: 35,300 CNY
Ndinoda chizvarwa chitsva cheGivenchy! Yakasiyana zvachose kubva kune mamwe mabhureki uye inotaridzika zvakanyanya chic uye yakakosha!
Chokutanga pane zvose, ndinogara ndichifarira 4G Bag, Matthew M. Williams akanyatsokoka shamwari yake yemifananidzo Chito kuti vaite kubatana pamwe chete.
Muviri webhegi uye tambo dzemapfudzi zvinogadzirwazve muchimiro chespray-painted graffiti, nekukasira kupinza 4G Bag ine yakasarudzika nzira yemumugwagwa.
Kunyanya iyo yepingi yerudo modhi 4G Bag ndiyo inonyanya kukosha.
Wide shoulder straps are covered with graffiti little love, crossbody presence is superb, full of a sense of girlhood and romance. This handsome and pink design, so suitable for now very popular street style and pure desire to wear the wind!
Reference mutengo: 13,500 CNY
Next up is Givenchy’s new bag design, the Kenny!
Muviri wakapfava, wakapfava wakangofanana neHomwe, ine logo yakaoma ye4G, rudzi rwekunzwa kwakaoma uye kwakapfava, yakasarudzika.
Iwe hautaure, Kenny harisi bhegi idzva!
Kuonekwa kwekutanga kwakatorwa naKendall Jenner kuMet Ball, ane nguo tsvuku, inoshamisa zvikuru.
Kutaura zvazviri, bhegi iri Givenchy rakagadzirirwa Kendall, zita raKenny ndiro zita remadunhurirwa raKendall!
Kendall Jenner
Most pinch pleat design bags are cool, niche, lazy route, only this Kenny added a cool 4G locking buckle and a pretty rocking metal chain.
The overall feeling is cool, gorgeous and young, with a sweet cool wind.
The only thing is that this Kenny has a cool 4G clasp and a pretty rocking metal chain.
Bottega Veneta
Kana zvasvika kune BV itsva, kuita kwemunhu wese ndeye BV yegirini!
Ini ndanga ndisingatarisire BV gore idzva, kunze kweiyo orenji nhevedzano, asi zvakare yakanaka kwazvo. Kwete chete kutaridzika kwakanyanya kufara, asiwo kwakasimba kwazvo, super fashoni!
Among them, my own favorite, or Cassette.
Kunyangwe iri ruvara rwakakosha kuGore reTiger, asi nedhizaini yakarukwa yechiratidzo, hainzwe kusimba zvakanyanya mhepo yeGore Idzva, ibhegi rakabatana neruvara rinonakidza!
Reference price: $3000
And because the orange itself is very eye-catching, so there is absolutely no need to exert effort in matching, as long as the simple black and white gray to highlight the bag color, it is very fashionable.
Zvingave vakomana vakatakura kana vasikana vanotakura, maitiro chaiwo.
Fan Bingbing, Ding Yuxi, Jing Boran
Arco, iyo izere nemutauro wekunyora mupfungwa dzevanhu vose, inoratidzika sechiso chitsva mushure mekuisa jekete rearangi, iro rave rinotarisa uye rinotarisa. Iyo yakashinga uye inopenya ruvara rweorenji inotaridzika inoshanda zvakanyanya, pamuviri inobata maziso uye yakanyanya kushatirwa!
Fu Jing
Mutengo wereferensi weArco: $4500
Kutevera tannin yebhuruu, iyo Gucci Jackie 1961 yave kuwanikwa mune dema tannin dhizaini.
The all-black bag is embellished with a beige double G Logo, which is retro and a bit cool.
Yapfuura Jackie 1961 akashandisa tambo yakatambanudzwa pamapfudzi, asi panguva ino, pamusoro pebhegi remuhapwa, raive rakashongedzerwa netambo yakafaranuka yakafaranuka.
Iyo dzvuku uye dema ine mitsetse yeave dhizaini, yakachinjika zvakare imwe yekoreji temperament ~
Reference price: $2500
Muchokwadi, Gucci yekutanga chitubu muunganidzwa kwete chete Jackie 1961, kune akawanda emhando yepamusoro akatangisa dema tannin dhizaini. Sa1955 Horsebit, Dionysus…
Handizive kana iwe uchida mhando dzemhando yepamusoro, kana unofarira mhando dzedenim nhema?
In recent years Prada’s triangle element is good out of the circle, and this time also directly from the logo a leap into a bag! This is the Triangle Bag from the Spring/Summer 22 men’s show.
Triangle logo yakaiswa pamusoro peiyo yetatu bhegi muviri, inobata ziso, super edgy!
With the soft, malleable canvas fabric, whether carried under the armpit or behind the shoulder, it has a cozy, casual artist vibe.
Ndinonyanya kuzvifarira ini!
And with a price point of $2,000, it’s actually a pretty good value for money, haha!
Reference price: $2000
If you think the shape of the large triangle bag is a bit exaggerated, there are actually regular size options.
There is a small detachable bag on the shoulder strap, quite a Prada trio of instantly recognizable, on the body styling is also very strong!
Reference price: $2000
In addition to the triangle bag, the men’s derby shoes from the Spring/Summer 2022 collection, many people have also been eyeing them early.
Ruva dema rinotumbuka paslab yeshangu, sebasa rekuveza, zvese zverudo uye rudzi rwemhepo yakasviba, inotonhorera chaizvo!
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