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- Mar
Abayi-12 abafaneleka kakhulu ukuthenga izikhwama zomklami wekhwalithi ephezulu (isibuyekezo sika-2022)
Buying high quality replica bags is always not an easy thing to do. This is because the replica factories will not develop all the bag styles, but only the imitation of popular bags and colors. Only the bags with larger production are easy to stabilize the quality and the price will not be high because of the competition between different factories.
Therefore, Louis Vuitton is generally the most worthwhile high quality replica bags to buy because of its many classic models. But in addition to Louis Vuitton, other high quality replica designer bags are also very worth buying because the price is very low, immediately available, and the quality is very good.
Spring isifikile, futhi wathola abantu abaningi ukubuza: muva ukuthenga yisiphi isikhwama esihle ah? Awusho, muva nje amabhrendi amakhulu anamandla impela!
There are many new bags that are worth seeing and buying!
Izincomo zanamuhla zifaka phakathi izidingo ezihlukene zokuthenga isikhwama, ezongayo nezisebenzayo, ezipholile futhi eziheha amehlo, zikanokusho futhi ezihloniphekayo … Ungabona, isingeniso sanamuhla, esibaluleke kakhulu ngokuthanda kwakho ~ ~
Louis Vuitton
Kusukela engxenyeni yesibili yonyaka odlule, uLouis Vuitton, oye wathula isikhathi esithile, ngokuzumayo ubuye waba umshini wokukhiqiza i-pop-up futhi ukhiphe izikhwama ezimbalwa ezithandwayo ezinamanani amahle nokusebenza ngokulandelana.
Isikhwama sakamuva nesithandwa kakhulu yiDiane!
Not too big, not too small body, with a long shoulder strap, is now very popular long underarm bag shape.
Chofoza lapha ukuze uthenge izikhwama zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu ye-Louis Vuitton
As a classic pattern bag, it comes with classic elements; the flap + corner leather adds a vintage and cute detail to this bag, which is particularly pleasing!
Kuhle ukusho ukuthi u-Diane futhi uza nebhande elibanzi elilukiwe elibanzi, elibiza cishe u-$1,000 ukuyithenga yedwa. Ngakho abantu abaningi banomuzwa wokuthi lesi sikhwama sibiza inani lama- $2500!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $2600
The key is that this bag is also not as small as the common underarm bag.
The upper body is neither bulky nor heavy, but at the same time ensures practicality, plus a good price point, it’s really hard to not like!
Uma unesabelomali esifanayo esingaba ngu-$2,500 kodwa ufuna isikhwama sonke sesikhumba, hlola i-Buci! Lesi sikhwama siphinde sibe yi-hit enkulu ku-Louis Vuitton kulezi zinsuku.
It is actually similar to Diane, both are just the right size underarm bag shape. The difference is that Buci’s bag body is made of Epi water ripple material.
The LV logo on the front is large, but the same color design is not too high-profile. It is especially suitable for those girls who do not like the classic Louis Vuitton pattern.
Akugcini nje ngokujabulisa ubuso, kodwa ukusebenza kweBuci nakho ku-inthanethi kakhulu!
First of all, Epi leather is a highlight, always known for its durability and lightness.
At the same time, this bag also has an adjustable shoulder strap, so you don’t have to go back and forth to change the shoulder strap, you just need to adjust the concealed buckle to switch from underarm bag to crossbody bag, which is really convenient!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $2800
The classic Lady Dior bag that everyone is familiar with has recently been added to the list! It’s the new Lady D-Joy from the early spring 2022 collection!
Inguqulo evundlile yesimo saseMpumalanga-Ntshonalanga, ibukeka izacile, yomile, inika abantu umuzwa omusha!
And in the vine check design, it still has the classic, elegant temperament of Lady Dior. The upper body looks both Dior’s sense of nobility, special bag type and look special attitude!
Sun Yihan, Xia Meng
Not only that, Lady D-Joy can be said to be a comprehensive development of the best students, not to mention the high value of the face, practicality is also quite good. Even the back method has been upgraded simultaneously!
In addition to the handle, it also comes with two shoulder straps of different lengths, which can be carried crossbody, or elegantly underarm ~
Futhi njengesikhwama esisha, i-Lady D-Joy isakhetha. Ngaphandle kwempahla yezimvu zakudala, kunezitayela eziningi ezahlukene.
Njengomhlophe, umzimba wesikhwama ikakhulukazi usebenzisa indwangu yobuchwepheshe, uthinta i-puffy elastic kakhulu, eveza umuzwa ogcwele wokunyakaza.
Intengo yesithenjwa: $3200
Consistently receiving rave reviews is this diamond-shaped cut Lady D-Joy.
Iphethini yokuhlola umvini eyisakhiwo sodumo yaphenduka yaba izimo zejiyomethri, kuhlanganiswe nesikimu sombala omnyama kakhulu, kwabonakala kuphola ngokushesha. Ukubamba nje okuncane kune-aura enkulu, futhi kukhona uhlobo lokugxila, imodeli yenkanyezi ekhazimulayo!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $5000
If you want to talk about what is the hottest element this year, it must be tannin! I can see that many brands are launching denim bag models.
Like a while ago the super popular Chanel denim gold ball, gold ball + tannin material these two popular combinations, simply a package is hard to find!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $5500
Eqoqweni lokubuka kuqala le-Spring 2022, i-Chanel yethule enye inombolo enkulu yezikhwama ezinomklamo we-tannin.
Umehluko wukuthi i-denim ibhalwe nge-Chanel graffiti enemibala, egcwele umuzwa ongavinjelwe, opholile futhi omncane, ukunambitheka kwe-hippie kancane.
Njengalesi sikhwama esincane se-Flap, esihlotshiswe ngombala emzimbeni wesikhwama ikakhulukazi intwasahlobo nehlobo!
Ngokubukeka kwesikhwama se-flap sakudala, intengo isengaphakathi kwama- $ 5,000, amantombazane amaningi kusenesikhathi!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $4700
Akuyona nje i-denim eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka eshisayo, kodwa i-denim emnyama nayo idume kakhulu kulo nyaka!
Chanel this black denim flap bag, size than the last blue model is a little larger, crossbody has a cool feeling.
Nakuba isikhwama se-denim sivame ukwethulwa yi-Chanel design, kodwa i-tannin emnyama iseyivelakancane, uma uthanda, ungasebenzisa leli thuba ukuze ubone ~
Intengo yesithenjwa: $5500
Futhi kusukela eqoqweni lokubuka kuqala leNtwasahlobo/Ihlobo lango-2022, kunesikhwama esincane sehlombe!
Inobuso obujwayelekile kakhulu, obulula njenge-CF, obunomklamo okhethekile wezingxenye zensimbi zegolide, kanye nohlobo lokunambitheka kwakudala, okunikeza abantu umuzwa omuhle kodwa ongahlosile.
Futhi lokhu kusebenza kwesikhwama kuhle kakhulu, amandla okubeka phansi ifoni enkulu, amabhodlela amancane amanzi alula kakhulu! Imvamisa ufuna ukubona abafundi besikhwama sehlombe, ungabheka kahle ~
Intengo yesithenjwa: 35,300 CNY
Ngiyasithanda isizukulwane esisha se-Givenchy! Ihluke ngokuphelele kwamanye amabhrendi futhi ibukeka iyinhle kakhulu futhi ikhethekile!
First of all, I always like the 4G Bag, Matthew M. Williams specially invited his artist friend Chito to make a joint collaboration.
Umzimba wesikhwama namabhande ehlombe akhiwe kabusha ngendlela yegraffiti ene-spray paint, ejova ngokushesha i-4G Bag ngesitayela somgwaqo esiyingqayizivele.
Ikakhulukazi imodeli yothando epinki i-4G Bag iyona ekhetheke kakhulu.
Imichilo ebanzi yehlombe imbozwe ngothando oluncane lwe-graffiti, ukuba khona kwe-crossbody kuhle kakhulu, kugcwele umuzwa wobuntombi nezothando. Lo mklamo omuhle nopinki, ofaneleka manje isitayela somgwaqo esithandwa kakhulu kanye nesifiso esimsulwa sokugqoka umoya!
Intengo yesithenjwa: 13,500 CNY
Next up is Givenchy’s new bag design, the Kenny!
Umzimba othambile, onobuhle ufana ncamashí ne-Pouch, enelogo eqinile ye-4G, uhlobo lomuzwa oqinile nothambile, ohluke kakhulu.
You don’t say, Kenny is not just a new bag!
Ukubonakala kokuqala kuthathwe nguKendall Jenner ku-Met Ball, enengubo ebomvu, emangalisa kakhulu.
Eqinisweni, lesi sikhwama siyi-Givenchy eklanyelwe ngokukhethekile i-Kendall, igama lika-Kenny yisiteketiso sika-Kendall!
Kendall Jenner
Izikhwama eziningi ze-pinch pleat design zipholile, ziyi-niche, indlela evilaphayo, ngulo Kenny kuphela owengeze ibhande lokukhiya le-4G elipholile kanye neketango lensimbi elihle elinyakazayo.
Umuzwa jikelele upholile, muhle futhi usemusha, nomoya opholile omnandi.
The only thing is that this Kenny has a cool 4G clasp and a pretty rocking metal chain.
I-Bottega Veneta
When it comes to the new BV, everyone’s first reaction is BV green!
Bengingalindele unyaka omusha we-BV, ochungechungeni lonke oluwolintshi, kodwa futhi muhle kakhulu. Akubukeki nje kuphela imikhosi, kodwa futhi kunamandla kakhulu, imfashini enhle kakhulu!
Phakathi kwazo, intandokazi yami, noma Ikhasethi.
Nakuba kuwumbala okhethekile woNyaka Wengwe, kodwa ngomklamo olukiwe wesiginesha yomkhiqizo, awuwuzwa uqine kakhulu umkhathi kaNcibijane, uyisikhwama esimnandi esihlanganiswe ngombala ngokuphelele!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $3000
Futhi ngenxa yokuthi i-orange ngokwayo idonsa amehlo kakhulu, ngakho-ke asikho isidingo sokwenza umzamo ekufaniseni, inqobo nje uma omnyama nomhlophe grey ukugqamisa umbala wesikhwama, kuyimfashini kakhulu.
Ukuthi abafana baphathe noma amantombazane aphathe, kuyisitayela sakho.
Fan Bingbing, Ding Yuxi, Jing Boran
I-Arco, egcwele isitayela sokubhala emqondweni wawo wonke umuntu, ibukeka njengobuso obusha ngemva kokugqoka ijazi eliwolintshi, eliye ladonsa amehlo futhi lidonsa amehlo. Umbala osawolintshi onesibindi nogqamile ubukeka usebenza kakhulu, emzimbeni udonsa amehlo futhi unolaka kakhulu!
Fu Jing
Intengo yereferensi ye-Arco: $4500
Kulandela i-tannin eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, i-Gucci Jackie 1961 manje isiyatholakala ngedizayini ye-tannin emnyama.
Isikhwama esimnyama konke sihlotshiswe nge-Beige double Logo ye-G, eyi-retro futhi epholile kancane.
UJackie 1961 wangaphambilini wasebenzisa ibhande elinwetshiwe ehlombe, kodwa kulokhu, phezu kwesikhwama sangaphansi kwekhwapha, lalifakwe futhi ibhande elibanzi lehlombe elihlukanisekayo.
The red and black striped weave design, crossbody also some college temperament ~
Intengo yesithenjwa: $2500
Eqinisweni, iqoqo le-Gucci ekuqaleni kwentwasahlobo akuwona nje uJackie 1961 kuphela, kukhona amamodeli amaningi wakudala futhi wethule ukwakheka kwe-tannin emnyama. Njengo-1955 Horsebit, i-Dionysus…
Angazi ukuthi uyawathanda yini amamodeli akudala, noma ukhetha amamodeli amadenim amnyama?
In recent years Prada’s triangle element is good out of the circle, and this time also directly from the logo a leap into a bag! This is the Triangle Bag from the Spring/Summer 22 men’s show.
Ilogo engunxantathu ibekwe phezulu emzimbeni wesikhwama sikanxantathu, idonsa amehlo kakhulu, iyathandeka kakhulu!
Ngendwangu kaseyili ethambile, ethambile, noma ithwelwe ngaphansi kwekhwapha noma ngemuva kwehlombe, inevayibhu yomculi ethokomele, engavamile.
Ngiyithanda kakhulu ngokwami!
And with a price point of $2,000, it’s actually a pretty good value for money, haha!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $2000
If you think the shape of the large triangle bag is a bit exaggerated, there are actually regular size options.
There is a small detachable bag on the shoulder strap, quite a Prada trio of instantly recognizable, on the body styling is also very strong!
Intengo yesithenjwa: $2000
In addition to the triangle bag, the men’s derby shoes from the Spring/Summer 2022 collection, many people have also been eyeing them early.
A black flower blossoms on the slab of shoes, like a sculptural work, both romantic and a kind of dark wind, really cool!
Izikhwama ze-replica zokuthenga Manje:
Izikhwama zomklami wekhwalithi engcono kakhulu ezithenga ku-inthanethi
Thenga izikhwama zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu ye-Louis Vuitton
Thenga izikhwama ze-Chanel zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu
Thenga izikhwama ze-Dior eziyikhwalithi engcono kakhulu
Thenga izikhwama ze-Gucci zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu
Thenga izikhwama zekhwalithi engcono kakhulu ye-Hermes
Buka Amabhulogi amaningi ezikhwama mbumbulu:
Izikhwama eziphezulu eziyi-10 zomklami we-Replica okufanele uzithenge (zibuyekeziwe ngo-2022)
Ungasibona kanjani isikhwama somklami mbumbulu? (inkohliso vs izithombe zangempela)
Iqoqo lebhulogi lesikhwama se-Hermes (kuvuselelwe ngo-2022)
Iqoqo lebhulogi lesikhwama se-Louis Vuitton (livuselelwe ngo-2022)
Iqoqo lebhulogi lesikhwama se-Chanel (libuyekezwa ngo-2022)
Iqoqo lebhulogi le-Dior replica yesikhwama (kuvuselelwe ngo-2022)
Iqoqo lebhulogi lesikhwama se-Gucci replica (kuvuselelwe ngo-2022)
Imininingwane Yekhwalithi ye-Louis Vuitton Replica Bag
Imininingwane Yekhwalithi Yesikhwama Se-Chanel Replica